AMENDMENT 11 Suits against States: Lawsuits against states may not be tried in federal court AMENDMENT 12 Changed Electoral College: Electors cast separate ballots for President and Vice-president; prohibits electors from voting for two candidates from their home state
AMENDMENT 13 Abolition of slavery or involuntary servitude (except as punishment for crime) AMENDMENT 14 Defines citizenship – any person born in U.S. or naturalized is citizen of U.S. and of their states forbids states from denying Due process of law cannot deny Equal protection of the law
AMENDMENT 15 AMENDMENT 16 AMENDMENT 17 Income tax Right to vote cannot be denied based of race or previous condition of servitude AMENDMENT 16 Income tax AMENDMENT 17 Direct election of Senators
AMENDMENT 18 AMENDMENT 19 prohibition forbid the sale, manufacture, distribution or transport of alcoholic beverages AMENDMENT 19 Women’s suffrage Women given the right to vote
AMENDMENT 20 Lame Duck amendment Succession of P and V-p: changed inauguration date to Jan. 20 Succession of P and V-p: if president-elect dies before taking office, vp-elect becomes the president; Congress may decide on temporary president Limit on ratification – 7 years
AMENDMENT 21 AMENDMENT 22 AMENDMENT 23 Repealed 18th Amendment AMENDMENT 22 Limited president to two terms of office AMENDMENT 23 Gave Washington D.C., three electoral votes
AMENDMENT 24 AMENDMENT 25 Abolished the poll tax If president resigns, dies, impeached, or is disabled, the V-P becomes the President If vacancy in V-P, president appoints replacements with consent from Congress
AMENDMENT 26 AMENDMENT 27 Lowered voting age to 18 Any pay raise for Congress must take effect with the next Congress