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Analize this Rate and Roll Fraction Action Pythagorean who? Percent me Fraction Action
Analize this Pythagorean who? Percent me Fraction Action Rate and Roll 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Final Jeopardy
What type of graph should you use to illustrate a change over time? $ 100 What type of graph should you use to illustrate a change over time? Line graph ☝
How can you make a pictograph misleading? $ 200 How can you make a pictograph misleading? Change the size of the pictures ☝
$ 300 How many soccer balls? 74 ☝
Kristi created two graphs to show who used the most minutes out of all the time used by all of the cell phone users in her class. Which graph is the better choice? $ 400 Bar graph ☝
Bar graphs are best for showing what type of data? $ 500 Bar graphs are best for showing what type of data? Comparing data across categories ☝
$ 100 There are 15 chocolate, 20 candy canes and 5 mints. What is the ratio of chocolate to candy canes to mints in ratio notion (lowest terms) 3:4:1 ☝
The value of 77 is between which two numbers? $ 200 The value of 77 is between which two numbers? 8 and 9 ☝
Identify the missing number to make an equivalent fraction: . $ 300 Identify the missing number to make an equivalent fraction: . 24 ☝
His unit rate is 0.7 laps/minute. $ 400 Craig took 20 minutes to swim 14 laps in the school swimming pool. What is his unit rate per minute? His unit rate is 0.7 laps/minute. ☝
The drugstore sells shampoo in different sizes of bottles: 384 mL for $3.99, 400 mL for $3.97, 500 mL for $4.77, and 700 mL for $6.49. Determine the better buy. $ 500 700 mL ☝
$ 100 The Pythagorean relationship can be used to find an unknown side length of a _________________________ triangle. Right angled ☝
$ 200 What is the square of 9? 81 ☝
What is the side opposite the right angle in a right triangle $ 300 What is the side opposite the right angle in a right triangle hypotenuse ☝
$ 400 If s = 4cm r = 8 cm What is the value of t? d. ☝
Is this a right triangle? $ 500 Is this a right triangle? no ☝
$ 100 Write as a percent. 200% ☝
What percent does this represent? $ 200 What percent does this represent? ☝
$ 300 A clothing store reduced the price of all suits by 40%. If the original price for a suit was $256.80, what is the reduced price? $154.08 ☝
$ 400 If GST is 5% and PST is 6.5%, what is the total tax on a shirt costing $28.50? Round your answer to the nearest cent. $3.28 ☝
$ 500 On Friday, 23 girls and 78 boys went on a field trip to the aquarium. of the girls and of the boys saw the beluga whales. How many students saw the whales? 28 ☝
$ 100 15 ☝
$ 200 In lowest terms, create a fraction for each situation: 12 marbles out of a bag of 36 1/3 ☝
$ 300 of $175.00. $84.00 ☝
$ 400 The elevation of Dawson Creek is about 665 m, which is about of the elevation of Kamloops. What is the elevation of Kamloops in metres? 380 m ☝
$ 500 Erika checks her stock of coins and finds she has six quarters. She has as many dimes as she has quarters and as many nickels as she has dimes. How many nickels does she have? 16 ☝
Final Jeopardy . + ☝