Freshman Parent Program 2018 Radnor High School Counselors: Jeannie Semar, Nikki Fine, Amy Wess, JJ Lemon, Sarah Pace, Agenda Counselor role & transitioning to high school Academic review and support services Standardized tests and testing calendar Naviance overview and registration Course selection process
School Counselors Jeannie Semar (A – Da) 610.293.0855 x 3527 Nikki Fine (De - He) 610.293.0855 x 3526 Amy Wess (Hi - Ma) 610.293.0855 x 3537 JJ Lemon (Mc - R) 610.293.0855 x 3524 Sarah Pace(S – Z) 610.293.0855 x 3523
The Role of the School Counselor Academic Advising Social and Emotional Support Parent Resource College and Career Planning
The Role of the School Counselor- grades 9 and 10 Freshman Year: Small group meetings with counselor Introduction to Naviance Do What You Are (Myers-Briggs) personality assessment Sophomore Year: Testing and Career Overview Evening Program Career Interest Profiler (Holland)
The Role of the Counselor- grades 11 and 12 Junior Year: Junior Post-Secondary Planning Evening Program Post-Secondary Planning Family Meeting Senior Year: College Application Evening Program Post-Secondary Planning (ongoing)
Student Support Staff Mrs. Nichole Boris 610.293.0855 Ext. 3522 Guidance Secretary Mrs. Leonor Gelpi-Perez 610.293.0855 Ext. 3529 Mrs. Christine Kulp 610.293.0855 Ext. 3823 School Social Worker Ms. Dorothy Lowery 610.293.0855 Ext. 6188 School Psychologist Dr. Richa Kleiman 610.293.0855 Ext. 6122 Mrs. Amy Wildey 610.293.0855 Ext. 3309
Academic Review Home Access Center Schoology Questions? Email
Grading Scale Found on Page 14 of 2017-18 Program of Studies
Academic Supports Academic Success Center Room 115 or Room 230 Can be added into student’s schedules, .5 credit Math Center Room 203 Open all 8 periods for students to drop in Writing Center Library Open periods 1-6 By appointment only – sign up sheet on Writing Center door After School Peer Tutoring Library Writing Center Monday-Thursday 2:30 to 3:30 TEXT 610-203-9900 course, level, date desired
HS Hope Student Assistance Program Students who are struggling with any of the following: Behavior Attendance Health Academics Mental Health Drug and Alcohol Members include school counselors, administrators, school psychologists, school nurse, teachers and outside resources See your school counselor for more information
What are the college entrance exams? PSAT SAT ACT SAT Subject Test- 20 different tests/5 content areas English History Math Science World Languages AP- not part of the admissions requirements
When should these exams be taken? Freshman year OCTOBER: PSAT at RHS JUNE: SAT Subject (when applicable) Sophomore year SAT, ACT: possible for prospective college athletes Junior year AUGUST-JUNE : ACT, SAT, and/or SAT Subject (when applicable) Senior year AUGUST– NOVEMBER: ACT, SAT, and/or SAT Subject
Frequently Asked Questions Can students with a learning disability who receive accommodations in school qualify for testing accommodations? PSAT, SAT, AP – one-time application through College Board, talk to case manager to initiate ACT – one-time application needs to be submitted to ACT, talk to case manager to initiate Evening program March 15th for transition to college for students with IEP’s and 504’s
Frequently Asked Questions (continued) Is preparation necessary? Refer to PSAT report- available on Free online practice Prep services & resource materials available for purchase KHAN Academy FREE SAT Prep
What is it? Naviance is a web-based college and career planning tool. Every Radnor High School student is given an account, providing access to detailed college and career information. Freshman are introduced to Naviance for the first time in Health classes in the spring. Parents can obtain a log-in by contacting their student’s counselor.
NAVIANCE Overview “Do What You Are” Personality assessment Spring in Health Classes Report available in Naviance Career Interest Profiler 10th grade in Health classes Will link to possible career options Explore careers Detailed information on thousands of careers Summer enrichment opportunities
NAVIANCE for career and college research and the college application process College search Radnor specific application statistics Register for college visits at RHS Request transcripts Request teacher recommendations Research scholarship opportunities Complete Brag Sheet for Counselor letter of recommendation
Course Selection Process After mid-terms teachers will enter core course recommendations into the scheduler (3 week window) Any questions about course recommendations should be directed to the current subject area teacher
2017- 2018 Program of Studies will be available on
Elective Choices Course Selection Timeline Students should review the Program of Studies, talk with teachers, parents, counselors, and classmates to help select electives and back-up choices. Students will be responsible for uploading these choices into HAC from February 20th – 23rd Be mindful of prerequisites and graduation requirements. Prerequisites and graduation requirements are both listed in the Program of Studies.
Counselor Meetings Course Selection Timeline Every student will meet with their counselor during a two week window after they’ve selected their electives to review all courses selected. Counselors will be out of their offices those two weeks. We will review with students the following criteria: Total number of credits Leveling of classes Elective choices Overall balance of selections Graduation requirements
Course Changes Course Selection Timeline After the window for students closes, all course changes must be submitted to the counselor. Core course changes require an override form. English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and World Language Elective changes do not require an override form. Students can make changes to their schedule anytime on or before May 25th, 2018. After this date, no requests will be honored.
What your child should be doing now Course Selection Timeline What your child should be doing now Reviewing the Program of Studies and thinking about what courses they want for next year. Consult individually with teachers regarding course recommendations for next year. Seek out your Guidance Counselor with any questions. Prepare for mid-term exams January 24th through January 26th.