Clinical Anatomy Tony Serino, Ph.D. Abdominal Region II Clinical Anatomy Tony Serino, Ph.D.
Abdominal 2: Topic Objectives Be able to describe and identify liver anatomy, histology and functions. Be able to describe bile production, flow, storage and function. Be able to identify hepatic portal blood flow. Be able to identify small intestine structures and functionalities. Be able to describe and identify large intestine structures and functionalities. Be able to explain the defecaction reflex and its role in constipation and incontinence.
Liver (inferior surface) (posterior margin) (anterior margin)
Hepatic Segmentation Divided by hepatic arteries, portal veins and bile ducts. Hepatic veins are intersegmetal.
Liver Lobule
Portal Triad
Hepatic Portal System
Hepatic Portal Veins Portal vein Splenic v. Superior Mesenteric v. Inferior Mesenteric v.
Gall Bladder Hepatic ducts Fundus Spiral valve Body Common hepatic duct Cystic duct Neck Common bile duct
Bile and Pancreatic Sphincters
Secretion of Bile
Micelle Formation (Emulsifying Fat)
Fatty Acid Absorption Small fatty acids go directly to blood stream; larger ones form chylomicrons from cholesterol and phospholipids
Small Intestine
Small Intestine
Duodenum and Accessory Organs
Small Intestine Structures to Increase Surface Area Plica Circularis Villi Long Length of SI
Villi Anatomy
Small Intestine Histology
Histology Changes in Intestine
Jejunum Histology
Large Intestine (x-ray)
Large Intestine (Colon)
LI blood supply
Cecum and Appendix Diverticulum Ileocecal valve
Appendix variation
Large Intestine Histology
Rectum and Anal Canal
Defecation Reflex