Hepatitic variant of graft-versus-host disease after donor lymphocyte infusion by Görgün Akpek, John K. Boitnott, Linda A. Lee, Jason P. Hallick, Michael Torbenson, David A. Jacobsohn, Sally Arai, Viki Anders, and Georgia B. Vogelsang Blood Volume 100(12):3903-3907 December 1, 2002 ©2002 by American Society of Hematology
Histologic changes of liver GVHD Histologic changes of liver GVHD.Characteristic histology of classical liver GVHD with bile duct lymphocytic infiltrates and injury. Histologic changes of liver GVHD.Characteristic histology of classical liver GVHD with bile duct lymphocytic infiltrates and injury. (A) Portal lymphocytic inflammation is also present. (B) Lobules show mild hemosiderin accumulation with no significant inflammation. (C) Hepatitic-variant liver GVHD demonstrates only mild chronic inflammation of the portal tracts, with minimal bile duct changes. (D) In contrast, the lobules show definite hepatitis. Original magnification × 25; hemotoxylene-eosine staining. Görgün Akpek et al. Blood 2002;100:3903-3907 ©2002 by American Society of Hematology