Deliverable 2.8 Optimization of the GSR inflow arrays Karin Margretha H. Larsen Bee Berx, Héðinn Valdemarsson, Andreas Macrander
D2.8 DoW Better and less resource demanding estimates of volume- and heat transport in the Atlantic inflow to the Nordic Seas will be obtained by better integration of satellite data with the existing GSR observatory. This will also allow more rapid data availability and access for a wider modeling community. Improvements in estimates will be achieved by developing algorithms integrating new Earth Observations when operational (Jason/Sentinel)
TMAs on the Greenland-Scotland Ridge
Shetland Branch Norröna track Satellite tracks Current transport line
Shetland Branch Work initiated to establish an improved estimate for the geoid in the region Analysis is ongoing to shift from gridded SLA to along track product Combined, these results are expected to improve the transport estimates Currently, two ADCPs are deployed on NOL-line, which is close to Norröna ship-based ADCP track and satellite track
Faroe Branch monitoring section Satellite altimetry Atlantic Arctic Bottom temperature Hansen et al., 2015: Transport of volume, heat, and salt towards the Arctic in the Faroe Current 1993–2013. Ocean Science. 3-5 ADCPs
Future array and improvements Present transport based on: ADCP mooring Bottom temperatures CTD sections Altimetry New Earth Obs. Atlantic Arctic Calibrate altimetry along the section Bottom temperature PIES (UHAM)
Bottom temperature loggers Loggers deployed on section N Designed to last 5-10 years One stopped after ~1 year Try new system funded by AtlantOS Deploy test frame in October Autorelease planned for November 2018 Buoy will send data via satellite when at surface LoTUS buoy
Iceland Branch New salinity based estimates calculated from the sensors on the section Innermost mooring skipped - has similar part 0.2 Sv MFRI, Iceland
Iceland Branch Salinity, eastward velocity and wind MFRI, Iceland
Iceland Branch Transport of Atlantic water (S > 34.9) MFRI, Iceland
Web site for high-level TMA products GSR PIs have agreed to establish data DOIs for e.g. CTD standard sections, ADCP data and transport products Meta data and relevant information will be shown similar to e.g.: Driemel et al. From pole to pole: 33 years of physical oceanography onboard R/V Polarstern. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 9, 211–220, 2017 Link to paper: doi:10.5194/essd-9-211-2017 Berx and Payne, 2016. The Sub-Polar Gyre Index - a community data set for application in fisheries and environment research. Link to data: Tbd: Web site for Pan-Arctic TMA products
The Blue-Action project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 727852