By: Izzy Martinez & Ali Blackburn Soccer history By: Izzy Martinez & Ali Blackburn
The beginning of soccer .Soccer began on November 16, 1863, which was last week on Thursday, but 139 years ago .200 years ago soccer was originally named football .Only men played soccer until 1991, the first women’s world cup was played .Soccer was the most popular sport, it was the fastest going sport
Soccer uniforms .Soccer uniforms have changed overtime .None of the uniforms are the same as the ones from the past
Modern time soccer .You would need a team shirt, shorts, socks, and gloves (if your goalie) .Your gear are cleats, shin guards, soccer gloves, and obviously a soccer ball
Lets celebrate .Soccer began November 16, 1863 which was last week on Thursday .So we have decided to……CELEBRATE!!! .Before we do we are going to sing a song AS A CLASS, who ever doesn’t sing doesn’t get a treat.
Everybody's watching you
Song lyrics Soccer is amazing, soccer is cool. You wont get a treat if you don’t sing this tune. Soccer history(clapx2)Soccer history(clapx2)Soccer began 1863.Come on guys sing with me. Soccer history(clapx2)Soccer history(clapx2)Not just men got to play, woman did too. Yeah I'm looking at you ladies. Soccer history(clapx2)Soccer history(clapx2)A soccer ball is nice and round, its also black and white. You know what I'm talking about. Soccer history(clapx2)Soccer history(clapx2)Soccer is awesome, you should learn to play. Come on guys lets celebrate. (P.S sing so we don’t look like idiots please or else you wont get a treat)