Varner Elementary Title I Targeted Assistance School Improvement forum 2018-2019 School Year August 23, 2018
School Forum agenda August 23, 2018 Welcome and Introductions Explanation of Varner’s Title I Targeted Assistance Program Discussion of School Improvement Plan Discussion of Parent Engagement Policy Discussion of the School-Parent Compact Open Discussion and Questions
How was Varner identified as a Title I Targeted Assistance (TA) School? Identification as a Title I school is based on the percentage of students that qualify for free or reduced price meals (F&R Meals). Elementary schools with a F&R Meal percentage of 55 or higher receive Title I funding. Varner has a F&R Meal percentage of 59.5. This qualifies us as a Title I TA Program. This percentage was determined using Varner’s enrollment information from October 1, 2017.
What is a Title I TA Program? A Title I Targeted Assistance Program provides additional academic support to students who have not met the state’s challenging academic standards in a specific content area. In 2018-2019, Varner supports students in the content area of reading. Students were identified for support in reading using the results of their performance on two assessments: the Diagnostic Reading Assessment (DRA) and the Reading Inventory (RI).
What are the important Title I documents parents should know about? The School Improvement Plan The Family Engagement Policy The School-Family Compact
What is The School Improvement Plan? The School Improvement Plan is a document that outlines our goals and exactly how our school will serve the Title I students during one school year. It is very detailed and includes goals, action steps, timelines, and funding sources. You will find it on the school website under the Title I tab.
What is Varner’s 2018- 2019 School Goal? 68% of students served by the rank order list will increase at least one performance level from the Fall 2018 Reading Inventory (RI) administration to the Spring 2019 RI administration.
How are Varner’s teachers trained? District Literacy Coaches work with teachers throughout the year to ensure they are able to use the latest evidence based strategies with Varner students.
How does the 2018-2019 school improvement plan (SIP) outline TA services for the students? Varner provides differentiated academic support to students. The support varies depending on their grade level. Students in Kindergarten – 2nd Grade will be provided with tutoring during the day beginning in November. The tutors provide the students with extra small group guided reading and phonics instruction 3 times a week. Students in 3rd – 5th Grade attend a READ 180 class daily. The READ 180 teacher works closely with the students’ classroom teachers to meet each student’s individual needs.
What is Varner’s Family Engagement Policy and Plan for Student success? This document explains how Varner is serving our Title I Targeted Assistance students. It lists district and school goals. It explains opportunities for parents to be involved.
How can I get involved as a parent of a TA student? Varner Elementary recognizes that family engagement is vital to improving the achievement of our students. As a parent or guardian of a Title I Targeted Assistance student, you are encouraged to participate in the development of the School Improvement Plan, the School Family Engagement Policy, and the School- Family Compact. Also, families of Title I Targeted Assistance students have the opportunity to be involved in decisions regarding the use of Title I family engagement funds. This is a great opportunity for families to provide input and assistance in planning how best to use Title I funding to improve school-family partnerships.
In 2018-2019 we offer these opportunities: Open House Fall/Spring School Improvement Forums State of the School Meeting Bilingual Parent Engagement Group (BPEG) Welcome to System 44/READ 180 Workshop Helping Your Child Succeed at Varner Workshop Fun Ways to Practice Sight Words Workshop Easy Reading Strategies to Use Today Workshop Strategies for Increasing Reading Stamina Workshop Literacy Make and Take Workshop
In 2018-2019, these are some ways we support families: Ensure that information is presented in English and Spanish Communicate with families on a regular basis in multiple ways Offer workshops and materials to help parents work with their children at home Collect feedback from parents to better meet families’ needs Provide Adult ESL classes Provide academic resources for Title I families to check out and use at home
What is Varner’s School-Family Compact? This document lists district and school goals. It is developed with input from parents, students, and staff. It explains the roles of the school, the parents, and the students. It lists ways that Varner communicates with families.
In 2018-2019 we are focusing on these reading strategies: Read, Cover, Remember, Retell WH Questions Multiple Readings for Fluency Teachers will be using these strategies in the classroom. Our workshop in January will show you how to use these strategies at home.
We communicate with families in these ways: Daily Folders Agendas School Website Conferences Flyers Call Outs, Emails, Texts Class Dojo ParentVUE READ 180 Blog
Now it is your turn! What ideas would you like to add? Do you have questions about the Title I TA Program? Please complete an evaluation before you leave.