Mrs. Barbato’s First Grade Class Welcome, parents!
Welcome to First Grade! I will introduce to you, the best I can in the short time we have, to our class room and classroom procedures. If you have any questions during my presentation, please wait until the end to ask since I may cover it later in the presentation. www.catherine.barbato
About Me I have been teaching at Kennedy Park School for 21 years. TIC- Substitute principal for the district.
Folders We use 3 folders in our classroom to stay organized. Green folder- Homework folder. This is the only folder that should go home. Please check this folder and empty it every night. Yellow folder- Slow time. Since the students finish work at different times, they always have something productive to do. Red folder- Unfinished important work. Keeps things safe that need to stay in school.
Class Subjects The subjects we cover in the first grade are: Reading Writing World Language Math Science Social Studies Health Music, Art, Gym, Computers
Reading Journeys- This program covers Reading, Writing, and Phonics.
Math Math Program-Everyday Math Spiral program
Specials Tuesdays and Fridays-Gym -wear sneakers. Mondays and Wednesdays-Music Tuesday-Computers Thursday-Art
Behavior QUIET letters- whole class behavior Clothes Pins- individual behavior Group Block Jars Piggy Banks
Homework I will assign about 20 minutes of homework every night (Monday-Thursday). No weekend homework. Homework Sheet Read a book every night. Students may borrow books.
Birthdays Treats-small individual treats. No goodie bags. Be mindful of feelings when sending invitations.
It spreads illnesses to others and to their families. If a child is sick, please do not push him/her to return to school too fast. All first grade work is able to be made up. It spreads illnesses to others and to their families.
Let’s Have a Great Year!