Economic Activity in Africa A World Surrounded by Resources
What can you infer from the illustrations/maps? Economy Comparison What can you infer from the illustrations/maps?
Gold Mines… Cha-Ching! Mali and Ghana Kingdoms were rich from trading GOLD! – Northwest Africa
Diamonds, A Girls Best Friend … Or Anybody’s Best Friend if You are Selling Them! – South Africa
Agriculture – Farming & Herding…everywhere!
Barton Teachers Help Support Central Africa too! Coffee Barton Teachers Help Support Central Africa too!
Oil also spelled … $$$ North/Central Africa
City Life & Industry in Africa – Mostly Coastal Nairobi, Kenya Cape town, South Africa Austin traffic doesn’t look so bad now, huh?
SHIPPING(Ports), CLOTHING Industry, ASSEBLY Factories are a few Popular Industries
If Africa Has All These Riches…Then Why Are There So Many People Living in Poverty? Percentage of People Living in Poverty per Nation.