Website Usage Guide For Doctors
Click here to Login or Register on Portal
If you are Registered Doctor on www. econsultdoctor If you are Registered Doctor on then login to account using your User name and password. Otherwise click sign up to create Your account .
Fill the requisite details for Registration and click on Signup. Your Registration details will be sent to Web-portal Admin and email will be sent to your registered email id advising login id and password after verifying your contact details given at time of registration.
Using your login id (registered email id ) and Password you may login to your account on the web-portal
Account setup when login for the first time
You have been given a unique Id on this portal to communicate with portal Admin . Your patients feedback/evaluation on replied /confirmed consultations is displayed here Any message from Web Portal Admin will be displayed here Consolidated value in Rupees of consultation requests received through this portal (from date of your account activation till date)
When you Login first time into your account on portal , please Set Appointment Venues , Services you may like to offer through this portal and your Non-Availability dates (if any)
When you login first time , Please remember to reset the services you want to offer through this portal. By default all three services will be active on this portal . However if you like to reset the services you want to offer through this portal , you may do so .
Remember to set your appointment venues for your patients Any Venue which you have given at time of Registration will be added and displayed You may add additional appointment venues as per your current schedule and availability Before editing or deleting an appointment venue, please check if you do not already have pending confirmed appointment for that venue .
You may set your Non-Availability dates here for patients so that your name will not appear as available in our doctor search.
Handling Appointment Requests
Please try to respond to patient by indicated date/time to avoid automatic lapse of request When you confirm Appointment request , you need to inform Patient at what time am/pm , he //she should come for appointment . You may also request for bringing certain test reports All Appointment Requests Received from your Patients will be displayed here If you do not reject but choose to reply to Patient , then portal Usage charges will be levied on you. Click here to read patient message before responding to Appointment Request
Handling Follow-up or Second Opinion Requests
Please try to respond to patient by indicated date/time Click here to read Patient message and give/send your consultation or prescription All follow-up or Second Opinion Requests Received from your Patients will be displayed here
You may check patient text/audio/Video messages here describing his/her medical condition. You may write your prescriptionn and other medical tests requests here. It will be sent to Patient with your Name /official stamp and signature BB-Before Breakfast AB-After Breakfast BL-Before Lunch AL- After Lunch BD – Before Dinner AD-After dinner Patients current and previous medical reports can be accessed here ( if Required ) You may also send audio message to patient . Please click on Record button to record your voice and then click upload to send your audio message along with your prescription .
Set dates here to view your account statement for a specific period Click to check your account statement for a specific period
All Generated coupons will be displayed here with details You may offer Special Discount to a specific patient by generating Discount Coupon Special Discount may be offered to a specific patient. Please make sure that you know Patient Registration ID on this portal
You may send a specific message to web-portal admin from here