Lesson 8 Compound Words
1. greenhouse 9. upright 2. seashore 10. teenager 3. fireworks 11. thunderstorm 4. fun-loving 12. barefoot 5.New Year 13. mean-spirited 6. fairy tales 14. middle-class 7. bedtime 15. bodyguard 8. cupboard 16. so-called
greenhouse n. a glass or plastic building with controlled temperature, used for growing plants all year round
seashore n. the place where the land and the sea meet
fireworks n. firecrackers, rockets, and other explosives that make a lot of noise and fill the sky with colored lights
fun-loving adj. easygoing; liking to have a good time
New Year n. the first day of a calendar year
fairy tales n. a very old story involving imaginary beings such as fairies, magicians, and dragons
bedtime n. a time to go to bed
cupboard n. a cabinet with shelves used to store food, dishes, and other items
upright adj. straight up; not bent
teenager n. a person between the ages of thirteen and nineteen
thunderstorm n. a storm with thunder and lightning
barefoot adv. Without shoes
middle-class adj. the social group between the upper and working classes
mean-spirited adj. exhibiting or characterized by meanness of spirit
bodyguard n. someone whose job is to protect another person
so-called adj. called such, but not so: Hank should know that his so-called friend is going around saying bad things about him.