李清照 Li Qingzhao
李清照 李清照(1084~1155)was a famous female poet. Since women usually didn’t have the chance to get educated, there were very few female scholars or poets who left their names in Chinese history.
常记溪亭日暮,Always remember the pavilion beside a brook 沉醉不知归路。Drunken not knowing the way home at dusk 兴尽晚回舟, To our hearts content, we were rowing back . 误入藕花深处。 Entering deep among water lilies by mistake . 争渡?争渡! Scrambling , row the boat! 惊起一滩鸥鹭。Scared water birds flying up when disturbed
The wind blowing has ceased The wind blowing has ceased. Fragrant flowers have fallen, Withered and mixed with mud. Getting up late in the morning, I have no mood to comb my hair. Things are still the same as before, While people are not. It seems that everything has come to its end When I want to say something, Tears running down my cheek, Before I can make any words. I hear Shuangxi is beautiful in spring, I would like to have a boating. But what I am merely afraid is that The boat is too small to carry So much of my sorrow and sadness!