Environmental Economics Lecture 3: Overview of key terms in environmental sociology
Outline Logistics: What is sociology? Key theories Project The Sustainability Task Force is soliciting applications for student members. OpenLab No class meeting on the 23rd Sing up for SIMS fieldtrip? What is sociology? Key theories Project
Sociology predicts Happiness Who is going to be your spouse When you will marry Number of children Income Health Reported happiness Life expectancy
Self-reported Individual Happiness
Age of Marriage
Life Expectancy
Life Expectancy http://www.decisionsonevidence.com/2012/11/life-expectancy-and-infant-mortality-the-key-role-of-education/
Three key approaches Functionalism: Interactionsim: Conflict theories: Focuses on how groups of people achieve a consensus Interactionsim: Micro-sociology: examines interactions Conflict theories: Emphasizes inequalities
Environmental sociology: Why the 1970s? Post-World War II—embrace of technology 1960s—backlash (Silent Spring,1962) Important social movements (anti-nuclear movements in particular—Castle Bravo bomb in Bikini, Marshall Islands) Powerful images from space (December 7, 1972): http://photography.nationalgeographic.com/wallpaper/photography/photos/milestones-space-photography/earth-full-view/
Political economy 1. Ecological modernization: Technology CAN and WILL solve environmental problems We need more technology/modernization Critiques of this approach?
Political economy 2. Treadmill of production: Market economies are incompatible with ecological sustainability Modernization leads to more degradation (e.g. industrial agriculture) Metabolic approach: disruption in ecological systems is caused by inequalities and exploitation
Group project List and briefly describe all major theories in environmental sociology (until “Beyond the Boundaries of Environmental Sociology”)
World systems theory Externalization of environmental costs: Rich countries are becoming post-industrial and environmentally cleaner Poor countries suffer from pollution of industrial production Berkeley study (August, 2015): “The air in Beijing is so polluted that breathing it does as much damage to the lungs as smoking 40 cigarettes a day.” (http://www.cnbc.com/2015/08/18/china-air-pollution-far-worse-than-thought-study.html
Global polity approach Emphasis on culture, not economic power “Environmental” culture spreads across the world, impacting policy Anti-fracking movements today (“Gasland”)
Environmental justice perspective Unequal distribution of environmental harm Majora Carter’s talk on South Bronx: https://www.ted.com/talks/majora_carter_s_tale_of_urban_renewal?language=en
Risk society Technological risks: Technology and expertise make it possible to achieve sustainability (Montreal protocol) Grassroots movements and citizen-scientists against the establishment (experts and industry)
Risk society Disasters (non-routine events; could be they be slow?): Realist approach: objective events caused by nature/manmade, used in policy-making Constructivist approach: depends on how people see it (social construction; who is affected)
Arne Naess: Deep ecology Against anthropocentrism, biocentrism Critique: focus on humans as species (overpopulation): poorer countries have more people, but consume less resources (are women in e.g. Africa responsible for ecological degradation?)
Ecological feminism Domination and exploitation in society (over women) = exploitation of nature Household toxins affect women disproportionately Culture of masculinity in extractive industries (coal miner identities)
Critical animal studies Similar to deep ecology: anti-speciesim Animal populations: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=population+of+chickens+in+the+US Peter Singer on animal rights: We can kill animals because they don’t have cognitive capabilities? Children, mentally ill? The principle of unnecessary suffering
Other theories: Environmental criminology Social movements Crimes (corporate crimes) Laws: Established and unwritten (environmental justice) Behaviors (inverted quarantine) Social movements Environment and labor
Project Write a brief paragraph on your progress towards the class research project. Have you decided on the topic? If so, what is it? If not, what potential topics are you considering? Have you considered research sites? If so, list them.
Study Guide: Be prepared to define the following theories in environmental sociology: Ecological modernization Treadmill of production World systems theory Global polity approach Environmental justice Risk society: technological risks and disasters Deep ecology Ecological feminism Critical animal studies