BY THE THREE Musketeers ..... tanav,samir, and rithviK! THE SUPER HEXADECIMAL SYSTEM BY THE THREE Musketeers ..... tanav,samir, and rithviK!
THE ORIGIN OF THE HEXADECIMAL SYSTEM Alfred B. Taylor was a man who wanted to make new base systems in the 1800. He thought that a base 16 is bad though. Then, in the 1900, a man named Schwartzman decided to create the rejected idea. It is only used in Chinese and American weights. They are also used in ancient Chinese abacuses. (suanpan)
Where did 16 come from? Well, 16 came from the parts of your fingers, or the lines that separate them. For example, if you count those lines, you will find 16 lines. Count them on this person’s hand.
two hundred fifty sixths !A TABLE! Place Value Base 10 Base 16 ones tens sixteens hundreds two hundred fifty sixths
The Numbers Infinity and beyond
Real world connections (16) 16 ounces in a pound It’s 2016! 16 cups in a gallon 4 squared is sixteen 8 doubled is sixteen
!Thanks for watching!