Imperialism of Hawaii and the Philippines By: Nathan and Taylor
T United States- took over the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Guam President McKinley had a group of Methodists educate Filipinos, and develop them into Christians. United States built roads, railroads, and hospitals to help them achieve self rule
Emilio Aguinaldo Leader of the Filipino nationalists. He believed that the United States promised independence after the Spanish-American War.
T United States became interested in Hawaii Sugar plantations held 75% of Hawaii’s wealth American Sugar Planters gained political power in Hawaii McKinley Tariff Act- limited all amounts of sugar tariffs on sugar that was shipped to the States
N Queen Liliuokalani New queen of Hawaii that called for a new constitution. Overthrown in 1893 because a loss of money.
Annexation- including another territory into yours On July 7, 1898 Hawaii was annexed to the United States.
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Citation Beck, Roger B., Linda Black, Larry Krieger, Phillip Naylor, Dahia Ibo Shabaka, et al. World History, Patterns Of Interaction. 2009. Holt McDougal, 2009. Print. Coffman, Tom. "THE U.S., PHILIPPINES, AND HAWAII: LEAP INTO IMPERIALISM." Center for Philippine Study. University of Hawaii in Manoa. Web. 26 Feb 2013.