Lesson 3: Working in Teams One Modules* click to view note Materials The following items for each cooperative learning team: a baggie containing ten paper clips and two rubber bands; a new, unsharpened pencil; and a three-inch piece of tape Ruler Timer Small prize for winning team Board or screen Student Workbook # 44: I’m a Team Player! Class Reader # 34: TEAM = Together Everyone Achieves More Student Workbook # 45: Team Player Check-Up Non-Cog Components Mindset Relationship Management Brain Science: Social interactions Purpose/Goal Setting Objectives Students will be able to: Recognize the importance of working in teams Define the difference between a group and a team Work in a team to accomplish a task Identify guidelines to help them work in teams ASCA Standards A:A3.2, 3.4; C:C2.3; PS:A1.9; PS:A2.2, 2.3, 2.6, 2.7 Click to view standards specifics Purpose Students will practice working in a team so that they can see which of their strengths, identified in Lesson 2, help the team, and how the team helps them. Vocabulary Team Group Mindset (if new) Instructional Strategies Bell Ringer Guided Discussion Cooperative Team Learning Activity Vocabulary Partner Activity Guided Practice Direct Instruction Independent Activity Homework/Journal 21st Century Skills Learning and Innovation Skills: Communication and Collaboration Assessment Opportunities Students could be assessed on participation and completion of the Student Workbook pages, and completion of journal entry. Literature Connection Students might enjoy a read-aloud of an amusing picture book featuring a unique partnership, Officer Buckle and Gloria by Peggy Rathman. © Copyright, 2015. Johns Hopkins University. All Rights Reserved.
Making Connections *A Note on Modules Why use cooperative team learning? Working as part of a team is a mandatory skill in the twenty-first century classroom and workplace. Functioning as part of a team promotes important social and emotional learning skills, and taps into middle school students’ developmental desire for peer interaction. In addition, research indicates that group work is more effective than either competitive or individualistic learning to enhance student motivation, effort, retention, and achievement. Many experts believe that because American children today have fewer opportunities for self-directed free play without adult supervision, more young people are having difficulty learning to cooperate to reach a shared goal. In an effective cooperative learning group, students collaborate, solve problems, take responsibility for one aspect of a larger project, experience positive interdependence, and persevere to achieve a common goal. They self-regulate behavior and control impulses to maintain positive relationships. They recognize the importance and contributions of each member of the group in reaching a long-term goal, even when disagreeing, and learn to give each other encouragement and praise. Teamwork provides more chances for students to understand the material through oral rehearsal, thinking out loud, listening to others, and discussing their views. In many cooperative team learning activities, you will want to assign each student a specific responsibility within the overall team assignment (such as timekeeper, recorder, etc.)These roles should be periodically rotated to give all students the chance to take on different tasks. Although the team helps individuals learn, each student is evaluated individually and is responsible for his or her own achievement. Note: Since the roles are assigned and re-assigned arbitrarily, not based on student strength, you can have students draw assignments out of a hat, which allows chance, not you, to be blamed if a student doesn’t like his assignment. Students work in teams of four (one team might be three or five). Each student is paired with a team partner. Teams should be mixed to reflect the diversity of genders, ethnicities, and abilities in the classroom. As teams work, the teacher should circulate and monitor to reinforce social skills, answer any questions, guide their learning, and make sure students are on task. Students have probably had some experience working in teams with classmates. Nevertheless, make sure you establish rules and procedures for group work. Stress the importance of each member of the group contributing and supporting fellow group members. Help students realize that in a well-functioning cooperative learning group, the team is able to produce more than the sum of its parts and thus achieve more than any one student could do on his or her own. Students can download the materials for these modules online: http://mmgstudent.weebly.com/mmg101.html *A Note on Modules Unlike other lessons, because this one relies entirely on students working in teams, this lesson is difficult to divide into the kinds of modules the other lessons are divided into. Therefore, this lesson can be seen as pure “Module One,” being taught entirely by the teacher, or as a combination of Module 1 and Module 2, being co-taught by the teacher and a near-peer who works with specific students or with the whole class. However, this lesson contains a “Module 2” that can be taught or overseen by a non-teaching adult, near peer, etc. that reviews the work done in the previous lesson. © Copyright, 2015. Johns Hopkins University. All Rights Reserved.
— OR — Student Printables Begin Module 1 Before You Teach Step 1. Create the teams before the class begins. Be ready to change their make-up as necessary. Provide supplies needed for the Bell Ringer for each team. Draw a simple design for the Closure activity. Place it in a folder on your desk where students can’t see it. Before you teach this lesson, take a look at these short videos that you might want to use in teaching this lesson. Team work pays off - cool examples 1:22 Good teamwork and bad teamwork 3:20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuo13FrNX6g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUXdrl9ch_Q Teamwork - Minions - Despicable Me :47 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvVEeoKrm48 . Step 2. Students download their materials at: http://mmgstudent.weebly.com/mmg101.html If you are not using the website materials, click the “Student Printables” icon to print the student activity sheets for all three modules. — OR — Student Printables You have the option to print each module with teacher’s notes. Students can download the materials for these modules online: http://mmgstudent.weebly.com/mmg101.html Begin Module 1 Module 1 © Copyright, 2015. Johns Hopkins University. All Rights Reserved.
PROTOTYPE CREDITS Prototype Lesson Editor: Howard Gradet Prototype Design: Gregg M. Howell MMG Original Author(s): Maria Garriott © Copyright, 2015. The Johns Hopkins University. All Rights Reserved. Talent Development Secondary Center for the Social Organization of Schools Johns Hopkins University School of Education 2701 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21218 410-516-8800 telephone 410-516-8890 fax www.TalentDevelopmentSecondary.com All rights reserved. The information, activities, and materials contained in the modules that comprise this lesson are intended for pilot-testing evaluation. Printing of the pilot components are intended for classroom use only. Printed student materials should not exceed the number of students in each class. No other part of this document may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. This manual may contain Internet website IP (Internet Protocol) addresses. At the time this manual was published, any website and/or email addresses were checked for both validity and content as it relates to this lesson’s corresponding topic. The Johns Hopkins University, and its licensors, is not responsible for any changes in content, IP addresses changes, pop advertisements, or redirects. It is further recommended that teachers confirm the validity of the listed addresses if they intend to share such addresses with students. Development of this material was supported by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, through Grant R305A080544 to Johns Hopkins University. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not represent views of the Institute or the U.S. Department of Education. For more information about Freshman Seminar, please visit our website at: www.TalentDevelopmentSecondary.com