Linking to full text and more MPG S·F·X· Services Linking to full text and more Notizen
Brief Overview of electronic resources If you search for a paper you have several possibilities: via our library homepage direct acces to Local online catalog: check for holdings of books, series, journals in print or electronic version E-Journals: via Electronic Journal Library – EZB E-Books: search the library catalog under the tab “Electronic & printed books” or search the MPG eBooks Catalog more information under “Electronic media” Please always check whether the journal required is in our library as a print resp. online version, because that's for free! I want to focus on the MPG SFX Services. But you will find on our homepage direct acces to the Library catalogue (books, series, journals, departmental libraries) The search for E-Books is integrated into the library catalogue now. You find a tab “Electronic & printed books” in the catalogue. Thus you search simultaneously in electronic (locally licensed) and printed books of our library and in electronic books of the MPG (central licensed). Search in one step through the holdings of our library and accessible E-books in the MPG. But please note the search results are displayed separately! Depending on your choice you may end up in the E-Books catalogue (MPG E-Books) or in the local online catalogue (MPBCH Books). Nov-18 J. Pohl, MPI Biochemie
What is SFX? SFX (an acronym for "Special Effects") context-sensitive reference linking product based on the openURL framework owned and developed by Ex Libris licensed by the Max Planck Society (MPG) and further developed by Max PLanck virtual Library an ideal tool for the "intelligent" integration of the various reference databases, library catalogs, full text repositories and other scientific information resources available to MPG staff SFX allows users to start with an item of interest found in one information resource ("Source"), view a menu of additional options ("Services") related to that item available via other information resources, and then directly access the selected resource ("Target") at the appropriate level. SFX (an acronym for "Special Effects") is an innovative context-sensitive reference linking product based on the openURL framework originating from research carried out by Herbert Van de Sompel at Ghent University in Belgium and at the LANL Research Library in Los Alamos. It is now owned and being further developed by Ex Libris and has been licensed by the Max Planck Society (MPG) as an ideal tool for the "intelligent" integration of the various reference databases, library catalogs, full text repositories and other scientific information resources available to MPG staff and guests at over 80 sites in Europe. SFX allows users to start with an item of interest found in one information resource ("Source"), view a menu of additional options ("Services") related to that item available via other information resources, and then directly access the selected resource ("Target") at the appropriate level. OpenURL is a type of Uniform Resource Locator (URL) intended to enable Internet users to more easily find a copy of a resource that they would be allowed to access. SFX was the first OpenURL link resolver or link server. It remains the most widely-used OpenURL resolver, being used by over 1,500 libraries. Nov-18 J. Pohl, MPI Biochemie
SFX Source SFX Menu SFX Target Seamless navigation from a reference to related services, e.g. the electronic fulltext, library holdings, document ordering!! SFX Source SFX Menu SFX Target
How do I use SFX? (Workflow 1) Location and size of the SFX buttons may vary slightly from one resource to the other If the information resource you are using (e.g. library catalog, reference database, etc) has been "SFX-enabled", then regardless of whether you have accessed the resource via the Max Planck Virtual Library (vLib) interface or via the provider's original search interface (e.g. Ovid, Web of Knowledge, CSA), you will normally see a SFX button at the full record level or within particular data fields. Click the SFX button to open a new browser window with the "MPG/SFX Services" menu The exact location and size of the SFX buttons may vary slightly from one information resource to the other, but will usually look similar. If the information resource you are using (e.g. library catalog, reference database, etc) has been "SFX-enabled", then regardless of whether you have accessed the resource via the Max Planck Virtual Library (vLib) interface or via the provider's original search interface (e.g. Ovid, Web of Knowledge, CSA), you will normally see a SFX button at the full record level or within particular data fields. Why don't I see any SFX buttons? Sometimes you need to click on the actual database record in order to see the SFX button. You will not see SFX buttons if: You are off-campus and not using a VPN account. JavaScript is not enabled in your browser. Check your browser settings. In Internet Explorer, choose Internet Options from the Tools menu. Click on the Advanced tab and check the box next to "Use Java." You are in Web of Science and you did not let the first page fully load in your browser. After clicking on "ISI Web of Science" from the "ISI Web of Knowledge" page, wait an extra couple of seconds before clicking on the "Full Search" button. If this does not solve the problem, also try cleaning out your browser's cache. You connected to PubMed without using the link for the MPG customized version. Nov-18 J. Pohl, MPI Biochemie
SFX service menu (Workflow 2) Find the bibliographic information of your selected item near the top Follow a list of services available for this item via other information resources Click the logo next to the desired service or on the name of the resource to activate a link to the respective target (again opening an additional browser window) Return to the SFX menu to select a different service for the same item or return to your original information resource Clicking the SFX button will open a new browser window with the "MPG/SFX Services" menu (you may have to first enable JavaScript). The bibliographic information ("metadata") extracted from your selected item is displayed near the top of the menu. This is followed by a list of context-specific services available for this item via other information resources. Clicking the logo next to the desired service or on the name of the resource providing the service will activate a link to the respective target (again opening an additional browser window) and take you to the appropriate level within the new resource. You may return to the SFX menu to select a different service for the same item or return to your original information resource and repeat the process for a new item of interest as often as you wish. Why so many windows? When you click on a SFX button from a database a new browser window displaying the menu is opened. Thereafter a new window is opened for each link you click on. Use “alt-tab” to navigate between windows. It is always possible to change the size of the windows or close some windows. Why are there multiple windows when I'm using SFX? When you click on the SFX button, it opens a browser window that displays the menu of services. Selecting a service from the menu then opens a third window. Generally, you will not have more than three or four windows open at a time. Remember that you can resize the windows to suit your viewing preferences. Sometimes windows are hidden behind other windows. Use Alt-Tab to easily navigate among windows. Nov-18 J. Pohl, MPI Biochemie
What services can SFX offer me? Currently, MPG/SFX Services may offer you any of the following options: Access the full text on the publisher's website or in an electronic repository (whenever possible) Check for availability of an electronic version via the Electronic Journal Library - EZB Check for availability of a print or electronic version in a local library catalog via the MPG Journal Index Check for holdings in our library (Local online catalog) Request the full text via our library (form) or via the document delivery service Subito Search the author in Web of Science (to find: additional publications, cited references, related articles, etc) RSS feed for table of contents View additional information regarding the journal or book in which an item was published Search for possibly relevant web sites, using various Internet Search Engines (based on title words) The number of services in the SFX Menu may vary! SFX links are created dynamically, and they are context sensitive. The services offered to you are determined by the information ("metadata") available in the record you started with, as well as by what information resources are available as targets. When you click the SFX button, the system runs through the MPG/SFX database to see what services have been considered appropriate for that particular item. Only services available will be displayed in the respective MPG/SFX Services menu! Request document viaSubito This service will be charged. Please check for holdings in your local library or free electronic copies first! Nov-18 J. Pohl, MPI Biochemie
Why is there more than one option for full texts? “Full text available via ...”: The MPG has a central licensing agreement with the publisher. SFX will take you as close as possible to the full text of the desired article. “Full text available via Publisher's Homepage“: If a central license is not in place, the MPG/SFX server requests the Electronic Journal Library (EZB) in the background to check if the full text is available via a local license. In the positive case a link to the provider's website is offered as well as the appropriate EZB traffic light. If the SFX server fails in retrieving any license information it will offer other possibilities: “Check for this journal in the Electronic Journal Library - EZB“: will check if an electronic version of this journal exists, and, if so, direct you to its home page. “Check for library holdings in the MPG Journal Index“: will check to see if either the print or electronic version of the journal is available in any of the individual Max Planck Institutes whose library catalogs have been included in the MPG Journal Index. “Search for more information using a Web Search Engine“: run an internet search to check for a free available copy (e.g. on the personal web page of the author) If the Max Planck Society has a central licensing agreement with the publisher or provider covering an electronic version of the journal (and the respective volume), SFX will take you as close as possible to the full text of the desired article ("Full text available via ..."). Dependent on the structure of the provider's web site, you will sometimes go straight to the full text (pdf or html), but sometimes you may first have to navigate the provider's web site to get to the article you are looking for. If a central license is not in place, the MPG/SFX server requests the Electronic Journal Library (EZB) in the background to check if the full text is available via a local license. In the positive case a link to the provider's website is offered ("Full text available via Publisher's Homepage") as well as the appropriate EZB traffic light: A yellow light indicates that our Institute has a local license for the desired article while a green light will be displayed if access is free of charge to everyone. If the SFX server fails in retrieving any license information it will offer several other possibilities helping you to localize the full text: The first option ("Check for this journal in the Electronic Journal Library - EZB") will check to see if an electronic version of this journal exists, and, if so, direct you to its home page. Even if the EZB indicates you do not have access rights (red light), we recommend going to the journal's home page anyway and trying your luck. The second option ("Check for library holdings in the MPG Journal Index") will check to see if either the print or electronic version of the journal is available in any of the individual Max Planck Institutes whose library catalogs have been included in the MPG Journal Index. Should your own library be listed as holding a subscription, you will be able to access the respective holding information (for questions, consult your local librarian). As a third option you might also run an internet search ("Search for more information using a Web Search Engine") to check for a free available copy (e.g. on the personal web page of the author). When I click to get full text, sometimes I end up on the journal's home page or table of contents. Can't I go directly to the article? The journal publisher controls where SFX is able to link--journal home page, volume, table of contents, or article. In some cases, you may need to navigate through the publisher's web site to get to the article you're looking for. Because the database record is still visible in its own window, it is easy to see what volume and issue is needed. Nov-18 J. Pohl, MPI Biochemie
Your direct connection You have the bibliographic information for the reference use the MPG Citation Linker to directly retrieve the relevant MPG-SFX Services Enter as much information as possible about the specific article, journal, book you are interested in. After completing the form, click the button Set your own bookmark By means of the MPG Citation Linker you can access relevant MPG/SFX Services directly, without performing a database search first. This is a particularly convenient way to check if any relevant resources (such as the electronic full text) are available for a specific item you have bibliographic information about. If you already have the bibliographic information for the reference you are interested in, you might also use the Citation Linker to directly retrieve the relevant MPG-SFX Services. Depending on how much information regarding a specific reference you enter, this tool will lead you directly to relevant MPG-SFX Services (e.g. a full-text, library holdings, journal information, etc.), without having to search for the reference in a database. The more details you provide, the more options for services can be offered. Nov-18 J. Pohl, MPI Biochemie
Thanks for your attention! The MPG SFX Service is under “our control”, i.e. we can optimize it according to the concrete requirements from the MPG. Please let us know if you miss the SFX buttons somewhere, consider additional services reasonable or notice errors. Answers to some of the most frequently asked questions are available from the MPG/SFX FAQ: If you need further information or help … If you want to comment on SFX … … call the Library at 3800 or send us a message at Thanks for your attention! Questions? Further Information MPG/SFX Services and the MPG Citation Linker were both developed within the scope of the Max Planck virtual Library, a collaborative effort of various groups within the Max Planck Society involved in library and information services. See Please feel free to send us any additional question or comment using the feedback form offered with every MPG/SFX menu. Contact Inga Overkamp Erik Altmann Max Planck Digital Library phone +49 (0)89 38602 232 Nov-18 J. Pohl, MPI Biochemie
Examples sfxmenu_url: Essmann, CL, Serine phosphorylation of ephrinB2 … Nat Neurosci. 2008 Sep;11(9):1035-43 sfxmenu_url: Sung, BJ, Computer simulations of protein diffusion Biophys J. 2009 Jul 22;97(2):472-9 SPECIAL URL FOR PUBMED: sfxmenu_url: Anaka, M, The white Gene of Drosophila melanogaster Encodes a Protein with a Role in Courtship Behavior Journal of Neurogenetics 22(2008)4, 243-276 sfxmenu_url: Adaptation accentuates responses of fly motion-sensitive visual neurons to sudden stimulus changes sfxmenu_url: Offord, RE, Synthesis and evaluation of fluorescent chemokines labelled at the amino terminal Methods in enzymology on CD-ROM 1997 sfxmenu_url: Fulltext Looks like fulltext In the MPG SFX services find you no direct full text linking, but in addition, a link to the EZB. There you see that we have a license for the journal - excluded the most current 12 months. But this article is already available. Nov-18 J. Pohl, MPI Biochemie