Soilless Media Elements & Fertilizer Elements & Plants Above Ground Environment Miscellaneous 100 pt 100 pt 100 pt 100 pt 100 pt 200 pt 200 pt 200pt 200 pt 200 pt 300 pt 300 pt 300 pt 300 pt 300 pt 400 pt 400 pt 400 pt 400 pt 400 pt 500 pt 500 pt 500 pt 500 pt 500 pt
Uniformity, light weight, and sterile.
What are the advantages of soilless media?
Light weight (pots could tip over), minor elements are missing.
What are the disadvantages of soilless media?
A material of volcanic origin used in soilless media A material of volcanic origin used in soilless media. It is used to improve aeration.
What is perlite?
A material used in soilless media made from exploded Mica A material used in soilless media made from exploded Mica. It has a high moisture-holding capacity.
What is vermiculite?
Material made up of partially decomposed vegetation Material made up of partially decomposed vegetation. It has a high moisture holding capacity.
What is peat moss?
The three macro-elements used in fertilizer.
What are Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and Potassium?
The last number (4) on this bag of fertilizer.
What is the percentage of potassium?
The first number (4) on the bag of fertilizer.
What is the percentage of nitrogen?
The number 7 on this bag of fertilizer.
What is the percentage of phosphorus?
Calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, and copper.
What are micro-elements used in fertilizer?
Determine the amount of elements needed for various plants.
What are soil tests?
Has the most noticeable effect on plants.
What is nitrogen?
Encourages root growth and increases disease resistance.
What is phosphorous?
Helps with the development of chlorophyll.
What is potassium?
The measure of acidity or alkalinity.
What is pH?
Generally, plant growth rate increases as _____ increases.
What is temperature?
This must be present before plants can manufacture food.
What is light?
Most plants grow best in 40-80% ________.
What is relative humidity?
Reduces production and lowers fruit and vegetable quality.
What are plant diseases and insects?
Reduces plant growth and can kill plants.
What is carbon monoxide?
Sand, silt, and clay, organic matter, living organisms, and pore spaces.
What are the components of soil?
Plants require large amounts of ______ elements and relatively small amounts of ______ elements.
What are major and minor?
Most plants grow best from ___ to ___ pH.
What is 5.6-7.0?
Response to different periods of day and night in terms of growth and maturity.
What is photoperiodism?
Plants appear to grow towards the sun or light source.