Session Outline Why Fundraise? How do you Fundraise? Resources and Pitfalls The Power of One THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING
WHY FUNDRAISE? Camp service/projects Training Scholarships/Camperships Lodge operations Recognitions Endowment (West) Events Quality Lodge Requirements Lodge Committees/teams THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING
How do you Fundraise? ASK! Who? How? What are you asking for? Why are you asking? THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING
Who are you going to ask? People Businesses/ Corporations Foundations/ Grants Organizations (OA) Fraternal Organizations (Elks, Moose, Mason’s , Kiwanis etc) THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING
How are you going to ask? People contacts Letters / e-mails Applications In person Telephone Online/Website request forms BSA Speakers THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING
SAMPLE SOLICITATION LETTER Dear_________; We are writing to you on behalf of _________ Lodge, Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts of America. The Order of the Arrow, or OA, is considered the National Honor Society of the Boy Scouts of America. As older scouts involved in the Scouting program we seek to provide Cheerful Service to others in both Scouting and in the community. We are writing to request your assistance with ________________. (Additional information will depend upon the specific item; for example: [we are in the process of renovating the Health Lodge, in order to provide both first aid and medical attention to the youth who use our camp. As a healthcare professional, we know that you understand the importance of making sure that the medical needs of Scouting youth are well taken care of.] We need your financial help to support this worthy endeavor and cause. We are asking that individuals make a contribution of $___________ to serve as a leadership member in this project. We would of course be grateful for any gift that you could provide. If you believe that you could help us by providing materials or other resources we would be more than happy to discuss that with you. All gifts are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. I have enclosed for you a return envelope and pledge form for you to make your gift. Thank you again for all your support to both the Order of the Arrow and Scouting. Yours in Service, Johnny Arrowman THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING
What are you asking for? Supplies for projects Supplies for other fundraising Project sales $50.00 from 50 people Sponsorships Matching money THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING
Why are you fundraising? Camp service/projects Training Scholarships/Camperships Lodge operations Recognitions Endowment (West) Events Quality Lodge Requirements Lodge Committees/teams THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING
Sell Stuff- Do Stuff OTHER THAN PATCHES Selling food at Scouting/community event Parking cars Product sales-popcorn, nuts, magazines Trading post at events Trade-o-ree Pancake breakfast Spaghetti dinner Auctions Golf outings ???????????????? THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING
Patches a/k/a collectable cloth What can you sell? Know your market How many do you make? Is it Scout Appropriate? Do you have the “rights” to it? THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING
Resources & Pitfalls Resources A. Resources What resources are available for fundraising information? Lodge Finance Manual Lodge Money Earning Application Ten Guides to Money Earning Projects Pitfalls Council conflicts Other Organization conflicts THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING
A Scout is courteous Say thank you! Letter/ e-mail/ telephone call Certificate of appreciation Tax issues THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING
Fundraising Resources Lodge Finance Manual – available at www.oa-bsa.-org Unit money Raising Application- Publ. 34-427A (1999 Ptg) THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING
Questions & Comments John K. Shaffer 1549 Brook Lane Jamison, PA 18929 W 215-230-3721 THEPOWEROFONE 2009NOACTRAINING