Weather and Climate
Sun & Latitude Weather: condition of the atmosphere at a given time & place Climate: weather conditions in a geographic region over a long time tilt of the Earth as it revolves around the Sun is impt. in determination of weather/climate
Sun & Latitude continued Earth absorbs Sun’s energy=solar energy converted into heat Temperature: measurement of heat Earth’s atmosphere traps heat energy in a process called the greenhouse effect Helps keep the planet warm Evidence shows the Earth has gotten warmer in recent decades --- global warming
Sun & Latitude continued Causes of Global Warming: Burning coal, natural gas & oil adds carbon dioxide to the lower atmosphere
Precipitation Water vapor plays an important role in atmospheric processes w/out it there would be no clouds, rain, or storms Evaporation: process by which water changes from a liquid to a gas Amt. of water vapor in the air is called humidity
Precipitation continued The higher the temperature, the more water vapor the air can hold When air cools, it will reach a temperature at which it cannot hold anymore water vapor -- -- then condensation occurs Condensation: process by which water vapor changes from a gas into liquid droplets Types of condensation: clouds, dew, fog, frost, rain (if condensed water droplets become large enough)
Elevation & Mountain Effects High elevation affects weather & climate Increase in elevation, drop in temperature Orographic Effect – when clouds/weather hit the side of a mountain, they are forced up. As they rise, the temperature drops & causes precipitation. Windward – side of the mountain facing the wind; receives most of the precipitation. Leeward – back side of the mountain; receives very little precipitation.
Rain Shadow – Area behind the leeward side of a mountain; usually a desert.
Storms Sudden violent weather events Tornadoes: twisting spirals of air U.S. experiences more than any other country Hurricanes: most powerful/destructive tropical cyclones Heavy rains/high winds/155 mph Begin over warm tropical seas, usually in the Atlantic Ocean flooding
Storms continued Typhoons Western Pacific Ocean Dangerous high waves Produce thunderstorms/tornadoes flooding
Tropical Climates Tropical Humid Climate Tropical Wet Dry Climate close to the Equator Warm temps/rainfall Tropical Wet Dry Climate Just to the north & south of the tropical humid climate Tropical savanna climate This climate will support savannas: areas of tropical grasslands, scattered trees, shrubs
Dry Climates Arid Climate Semiarid Climate Desert climate 30˚ north & south of the Equator Subtropical high-pressure zone Can lie deep in the interior of continents Semiarid Climate Transition zone btwn arid climate & more humid climates sunny & warm year-round but receive more rain that arid deserts
Middle Latitude Climates Mediterranean Climate Coastal area of southern Europe, west coasts of continents w/ cool ocean currents Long, sunny, dry summers Mild winters Humid Subtropical Climate Eastern side of continents where there are warm ocean currents Hot/humid summers Mild winters w/ some snow 2 types of forests --- deciduous (lose leaves) & coniferous (green all year)
Middle Latitude Climates continued Marine West Coast Heavily influenced by oceans Generally found on west coasts of continents Winters are foggy, cloudy, rainy Mild temperatures all year long Humid Continental Climate Found in interiors & east coasts of upper-middle latitude continents Can experience 4 distinct seasons