Drugs Morals In City of God, because so many people take drugs, it has become a business, and its like a cycle where every generation takes over, e.g: Lil’Dice took over from Blacky, and by taking over, your status normally increases, this is evident when Lil’Dice is feared after he takes over the drug business. In City of God and Tsotsi, where the youth live in slums, their morals aren’t as high as people in Amoros Perros and La Haine as their crimes are more to do with increasing their status/wealth rather than surviving. This is shown in La Haine, by all of the characters being effected by one main death at the beginning and Vinz hesitation to use the gun under any circumstances. Crimes in La Haine and Amoros Perros are prompted by something rather then committing crime to survive. Unlike City of God, La Haine, drug use is more of habit due to their improved but still deprived living conditions.
Youth affecting upper class In both films Tsotsi and Amoros Perros, the youth culture have negatively affected the upper class people, for example; the car crash caused by Octavio and his best friend cost Valeria her career as she had a high status but after this crash became paralysed. In Tsotsi, Tsotsi’s desire to improve his wealth caused him to attempt to steal a car of an upper class family, however this resulted in the near of a mother and her child, showing the harsh consequences on others due to the youth’s need to improve their lives through crime.