Objectives 1.Students should know what anticyclones are 2.Students should recognise the link between anticyclones and lapse rates and upper air flow in the Westerlies. 3.Students should know what weather conditions result from anticyclones.
Describe in full the weather characteristics of the past 5 days
Anticyclones 1.Compare figure 9.47 the satellite image with the synoptic chart beneath 2.What are the main characteristics of an anticyclone? Include information on pressure gradients, winds and lapse rates. 3.Explain the formation of an anticyclone in a flow chart 4.Explain all of the different weather conditions anticyclones bring in; Winter Summer 5. Describe and Explain what is happening in figure Mention what is happing in the upper Westerly flow.
Because air sinks over a wide area there are few variations in pressure so As the air sinks towards the Earths surface The source of air in an anticyclone is the upper atmosphere, where the amount of available moisture is limited The air starts to sink towards the Earths surface.
Demonstrate understanding Complete the heat wave research task on anticyclones that is on the Geog web.
Homework Complete the reading sheets on El Nino and Hurricanes Complete the anticyclones web task. June 2003 Outline the conditions which lead to the formation of mid-latitude depressions. (5) Examine the varied impacts of mid-latitude depressions on the weather of the British Isles. (20)