Scars of WW1
Old World Dies Europe entered the war with Napoleonic Tactics must adjust to mechanized warfare Uniforms shift from bright colors to dull colors Calvary replaced with tanks Armies used to conduct themselves with honor and respect towards war shift to inflicting as much damage as possible
Spanish Influenza Takes place at the end of the War Deadly plague in Europe Kills 20 million people Hits cities extremely hard Killed twice as many as the war
Benefactors of the War USA Made Billions off of selling war good to the Allies before entering the war Japan took advantage of Germanys preoccupation with the war invading and conquering Islands in the pacific -sets up Japanese Empire
Armenian Genocide Genocide- Destruction of a race of people Ottomans targeted the Armenian minority in Turkey1 million killed -feared they were loyal to the Russians Forced on death marches in Syrian desert
New European Map Austro-Hungarian Empire- Broken apart and new nations created Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Romania, Hungary Germany- gave up land to France, Poland is created -Treaty of Versailles creates new democratic government (Weimar Republic) that gave into a lot of League of Nations demands -German peopled felt “Stabbed in the Back”
Fall of the Ottoman Empire The Ottomans who had remained strong since the 1400’s fell apart after WW1 Mandate System- Empire broken apart into mandates (territory) maintained by Britain and France -Britain (Iraq and Palestine) -France (Syria and Lebanon Balfour Declaration- Promised the eventual creation of a Jewish homeland (Israel)
Failure of Versailles Britain, U.S., and France dominated the discussions and punishments during the meeting left countries out (Germany, Italy, Russia) League of Nations failed without the U.S. adopting it. Leads to countries allowing Hitler and Germany to rebuild their army