Sophia Antipolis, 25 January 2012 Security SIG in MTS Fraunhofer FOKUS Sophia Antipolis, 25 January 2012
Overview SIG#1 meeting report Status and next steps New contributions Presentation by Ari (terminology) Contribution by Ian (lifecycle) TVRA presentation by Jan, Siv, Scott
SIG#1 meeting Participants from ten companies Bryant, Ian National Policing Improvement Agency Cadzow, Scott Cadzow Communications Consulting Ltd. Grossmann, Juergen FhG FOKUS Jakob, Felix Dornier Consulting Engineering & Services GmbH Mallouli, Wissam Montimage Pietsch, Stephan Testing Technologies IST GmbH Rennoch, Axel FhG FOKUS Schieferdecker, Ina FhG FOKUS Schmitting, Peter FSCOM SARL Schulz, Stephan Conformiq Software Ltd. Stanca-Kaposta, Bogdan Testing Technologies IST GmbH Takanen, Ari Codenomicon Oy Vouffo Feudjio, Alain FhG FOKUS Weiser, Christian University of Oulu
Discussion and outcome SIG#1 meeting Discussion and outcome Short introduction by Fokus (cp. Tallinn slides) Discussion on the security scope in MTS Presentation by Scott regarding need for security evaluation Presentation by Ian regarding „security testing“ lifecycle (from requirements to maintenance) Discussion on NWI „wording“ Appointment of rapporteurs: Ari T. and Scott C.
Security „scope“ in MTS Model / Specification, system risks Risk Analysis (paper-based) guidance “Testing” (to break the system) Scanning (libs) “known attacks” Functional / traditional testing Neg. testing, unknown vul., config mistakes fuzzing -> product (units,…) (light) penetration -> system (=deployed product)
New Work Items Terminology: “Educational” material To collect the basic terminology and ontology (relationship between stake holder and application) to be used for security testing in order to have a common understanding in MTS and related committees. “Educational” material Case study experiences To assemble case study experiences related to security testing in order to have a common understanding in MTS and related committees. Industrial experiences may cover but are not restricted to the following domains: Smart Cards, Industrial Automation, Radio Protocols, Transport/Automotive, Telecommunication. Security design guide enabling test and assurance (V&V) Guidance to the application system designers that enable verification and validation across the lifecycle, including case studies from telecommunication and ICT.
Glossary sources Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation (CC) is the driving force for the widest available mutual recognition of secure IT products. This web portal is available to support the information on the status of the CCRA, the CC and the certification schemes, licensed laboratories, certified products and related information, news and events. ISO 27000 series of standards have been specifically reserved by ISO for information security matters. This of course, aligns with a number of other topics, including ISO 9000 (quality management) and ISO 14000 (environmental management). rfc2828 abbreviations, explanations, and recommendations for use of information system security terminology. OUSPG's Glossary of Vulnerability Testing Terminology ISTQB Glossray of Testing Terms Standard glossary of terms used in Software Testing, Version 2.1 (dd. April 1st, 2010), Produced by the ‘Glossary Working Party’ International Software Testing Qualifications Board. Homepage: MBT Notations ETSI ES 202 951 V1.1.1 (2011-07) - MTS; MBT Requirements for Modelling Notations ETSI TR 102 840 V1.2.1 (2011-02) – MTS; Model-based testing in standardisation Security Information Event Management (ISG ISI) Security SIG in MTS, 4-5 October 2011
Meeting discussion Discussion on NWI#3 Discussion on NWI#1: Lifecycle by Ian become part of the introduction Work should be aligned with TISPAN Discussion on NWI#1: Ari presents security testing and fuzz testing terminology Separated bundling of terms (intro, list, discussion) Online monitoring may be own bundle Biggest need identified regarding Fuzzing terms No re-definition but coverage and references Not too much methodology (like fuzzing) Proposal to use a collaborative tool, but end up with word-document Security SIG in MTS, 4-5 October 2011
Terminology: initial collection, see contribution by Ari Status and next steps NWIs progress Terminology: initial collection, see contribution by Ari Case studies: starting later Validation: see contribution by Jan, Scott, Siv SIG#2 meeting: next date tbc with Ari and Scott Proposal: to organize a security testing session (three 20min presentations) for next ETSI security workshop 2013