FNP WORKSHOP New opportunities to increase funding in SG OP projects
Workshop: New funding opportunities Tomasz Poprawka
Available existing options: Budget shifts between categories Changes to the disbursement plan for subsequent advance payments Modification of the substantive scope of the application, in particular ones that are considered as necessary, i.e. their failure to introduce put the project at risk. May be combined with changes to project funding Equipment funding for gruntees under Firts TEAM and IRAP programmes
Applicant: Principal investigator of the project together with the unit (research or enterprise) at which the project is carried out. Applicant may submit several applications as part of the competition and combine various project changes, provided that: total project duration cannot be extended beyond 12 months for HOMING and REINTEGRATION schemes total project duration cannot be extended beyond 24 months for all oher schemes within measure 4.4 SG OP.
Deadlines: Rolling-basis submission is possible Upon the grant agreement is signed No later than 3 months before the project’s end date Grantees under state aid rules – up to June 30th, 2021.
Possible project’s modifications: Limited project adjustments Proof of concept Up to 12/24 months project extensions – linked to ERC submissions Collaborative research projects across grantees.
Limited project adjustments : Must involve the change of the substantive scope of the project, in particular ones that are linked to research team members Does not allow for the extension of the project duration Funding adjustments up to 10% of a current budget value Fast-track assessment
Proof of concept: Must involve changes related to the development of the project's results towards their practical verification in terms of the future commercialization Might involve change to the project duration – up to 12 months Budget adjustments (if any) along with funding guidlines Available to all projects across Measure 4.4 SG OP
Training: commercialisation of research results DATES: 27-28 November, 2017 - training in Polish, 4-5 December, 2017 - training in English, 18-19 December, 2017– training in Polish. LOCATION: FNP headquarters, Warsaw TRAINER: Zbigniew Krzewiński, CoWinners MORE INFORMATION: urszula.rapacka@fnp.org.pl
Project extension – up to 12 months: Linked with submission of proposals to the ERC competitions (or alike, i.e. HFSP) by HOMING, REINTEGRATION, First TEAM & TEAM principle investigators or to the H2020 calls for TEAM Tech leaders Involves change to the project duration – up to 12 months Might involve budget adjustments along with funding guidlines
Project extension – up to 24 months: Available only to PIs under First TEAM, TEAM and TEAM Tech grants. Eligible candidates are ERC/H2020 grantees(or alike), or those who received the so-called „Seal of excellence” status or were ranked at least with „B” score within ERC competition Involves change to the project duration – up to 24 months Might involve increase of the project budget
Collaborative research projects: Available to all current FNP-funded PIs under SG OP, inc. IRAP group leaders Aimed at establishing new partnership with at least one other FNP grantee Positive evaluation leads to project duration extension and adequate budget increase - ToC applies Back-to-back submissions by collaborating PIs
Funding guidelines: Approx. 400 000 PLN / year for HOMING & REINTEGRATION projects Approx. 600 000 PLN / year for First TEAM grants Approx. 800 000 PLN / year for TEAM & TEAM Tech projects within „proof of concept” or „12 months extension” modes Approx. 1 000 000 PLN / year for TEAM & TEAM Tech grants within „24 months extension” or „colaborative research project” modes
Submission of applications: Submission process fully streamlined via FNP’s electronic system Up to maximum four attachments (PDF format )to be requested: a progress report with results’ implemetation potential decription of a new research task and – if applicable - justification for project’s budget and/or duration proof of ERC status as an applicant decription of parthership, its mutual aim and added value principles of cooperation and rules of IPR division among partners
Workshop: Submission of new applications Anna Raiter-Smiljanic
Application for project modification STEP 1: log in to FNP’s database, go to your project, go to the „Principal information” and from the drop-down list select the „Application for project modification”
STEP 2: select „New application”
Application for project modification STEP 3: select „General data on the project”
STEP 4: click „Edit” and from the drop-down menu select an option you are interested in
STEP 5: indicate the new duration of the project, if needed edit the data
STEP 6: upload the project budget, edit the budget (define the new budget reflecting the project modification you are interested in)
STEP 7: upload all requested attachments
STEP 8: close data edition, attach the statement of the unit, electronically submit the application for project modification