NOTE: most slides have notes to help better explain the concepts. S.O.S. Vocabulary List Science: condensation conductor control evaporate experiment freeze gas insulator liquid matter melt particle property shelter solid states of matter Math: altogether circumference diameter fewer/ less than greater than/ more less than/ fewer more/ greater than perimeter NOTE: most slides have notes to help better explain the concepts.
Condensation is turning a gas to a liquid by slowing down its particles. Condensation is the conversion of a vapor or gas to a liquid. Condensation happens when a gas is cooled, changing its state of matter to a liquid.
A conductor is a material that transmits energy in the form heat or electricity. A Conductor is a material that transmits energy in the form heat or electricity. Better conductors transmit energy more efficiently. This is why cookware is often metal, and some of the best cookware is copper. A few common conductors are: silver, copper, gold, aluminum, iron, steel, brass, bronze, mercury, graphite, water, and concrete.
A control is a standard of comparison for checking the results of an experiment. A Control is a standard of comparison for checking the results of an experiment. You use a control to see what happens if you were to do nothing. In the case of this lesson, what would happen to the snowman if we didn’t build a shelter for it?
Evaporation is turning a liquid to a gas by speeding up its particles. Evaporation is the change from a liquid into a gas or vapor. Evaporation happens when a liquid is heated, changing its state of matter to a gas. Some everyday examples of evaporation are: cloths drying on a line, a floor drying after it is mopped, lick you finger - blow on it and feel it cool, your hair drying after you wash it, sweating when you are hot, a puddle drying out, and splashes drying up at the edge of a pool.
An experiment is a scientific test done to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact. An Experiment is a scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact. Experiments use controls and document the process (like our journals) that was used so that the experiment can be repeated by other people.
Freezing is turning a liquid to a solid by slowing down its particles.
Gas is an airlike substance which expands to fill any space available. Gas is an airlike substance which expands freely to fill any space available, regardless of its quantity. Properties: hard to see, can feel some, does not have its own shape, can be put into a container, fills the whole container and it takes the shape of the container, cooling a gas can change it to a liquid Examples: air, steam, breath, carbon dioxide (bubbles in soda), helium, neon gas in neon signs
An insulator is a material or substance used to prevent the loss of heat. An Insulator is a material or substance used to prevent the loss of heat (or sound, and does not readily conduct electricity). Some common insulators are: glass, rubber, oil, asphalt, fiberglass, porcelain, ceramic, quartz, (dry) cotton, (dry) paper, (dry) wood, plastic, and air.
A liquid flows freely but has no fixed shape. A Liquid is a substance flowing freely but of constant volume with no fixed shape
A particle is a very tiny piece of matter, smaller than a grain of sand. For reference, particle, matter, & states of matter video (4 minute) =
Matter is EVERYTHING around you Matter is EVERYTHING around you! It takes up space, has mass, and has atoms that move. Matter is EVERYTHING around you! It takes up space, has mass, and has atoms that move. Point out all the different things in the photo and explain that matter makes up everything, people, animals, plants, cars, playground equipment, etc.
Melting is turning a solid to a liquid by speeding up its particles.
A property is an attribute, quality, or characteristic of something. State of Matter Size Shape Color
A shelter is a place giving temporary protection from bad weather or danger.
A solid is firm and stable in shape.
States of Matter - Changes volume - Changes shape to fit container - Fixed volume - Changes shape to fit container - Fixed volume - Fixed shape Matter in the solid state has a fixed volume and shape Matter in the liquid state maintains a fixed volume, but has a variable shape that adapts to fit its container. Matter in the gaseous state has both variable volume and shape, adapting both to fit its container.
Altogether is the total of everything. Altogether, there are 3 Snowflakes.
A circumference is the outer edge of a circle. The Circumference is the enclosing boundary of a curved geometric figure, especially a circle
The diameter is the line through the center of the circle. Diameter is a straight line passing from side to side through the center of a body or figure, especially a circle or sphere
fewer - a small number less than - not as much 2 gloves 3 balls There are fewer gloves than there are baseballs. There is 1 fewer glove than baseballs. 2 gloves are less than 3 baseballs
more - many or much greater than - a larger amount of 3 balls 2 gloves There are more baseballs than there are gloves . There is 1 more baseball than there are gloves. 3 baseballs are are more than 2 gloves.
The perimeter is the outside border of any shape. The Perimeter is the continuous line forming the boundary of a closed geometric figure