City of Fairfax Schools Proposed Budget Fiscal Year 2019 City of Fairfax Schools City Council Meeting – March 6, 2018 Dr. Phyllis Pajardo, Superintendent
Student and Staff Successes
Elementary Welcomed new assistant principals Michael Parker and Lauren Hein (Daniels Run) and Sharon Hickey (Providence). Principal Dan Phillips (Providence) nominated for Outstanding New Principal of the Year. Principal Adam Erbrecht (Daniels Run) nominated for Outstanding Principal of the Year. Daniels Run received 2017 Virginia Naturally Award. Daniels Run PTA named National PTA School of Excellence Daniels Run targeted funds from the City’s instructional grant to support teacher’s creativity and innovation and awarded Innovation Grants. Providence and Daniels Run are expanding Level IV Advanced Academics Program (AAP) services. After holding informational meetings with their respective parent communities and submitting proposals, both schools been approved as Local Level IV AAP sites. Providence and Daniels Run continue to deepen students’ and staff thinking through innovation/STEM lab experiences.
Middle Kirsten Buchner, Lanier’s parent liaison, named as FCPS Hourly Employee of the Year finalist. Greer Mancuso, ESOL teacher, named Teacher of the Year by the Rotary Club of Fairfax. New wind turbine installed, first of its kind in FCPS and VA. Lanier MS won the 2017 Virginia Naturally Award (6th year). Lanier MS is realizing 1:1 technology with half of student population. Lanier MS has expanded level IV AAP services. Held informational meeting in the fall. FCPS administered parent survey; recommendation made to FCPS School Board in December 2017. Lanier MS has been approved to become an AAP center .
High School Welcomed Andrea Cook as the new administrator, Fairfax Academy. Simone Askew, FHS alum, became first African American woman to lead West Point Cadets. Jennifer Swientoniowski, English Teacher, named Fairfax High School Teacher of the Year. Jennifer was also named Fairfax Pyramid and Region 5, Secondary Teacher of the Year. Erich Dicenzo, Theater Arts teacher, named Teacher of the Year by the Rotary Club of Fairfax. Herbert Ohta, a special education math teacher, was named one of Washington Magazine’s Teachers of the Year. Golf team named district and regional champs. Field Hockey named district champs.
City Schools Recognized by Virginia Municipal League - Stairway to Success Award for Early Childhood Education initiatives. Superintendent Pajardo recognized by Leadership Fairfax – 2017 Educational Leadership award. Received Green Certificate for Green School Division by Virginia School Board Association
with Fairfax County Public Schools Tuition Agreement with Fairfax County Public Schools
Factors Impacting the Tuition Bill Primary Factors FCPS Operating Costs Fairfax City Average Daily Membership (ADM) Secondary Factors Fairfax City ADM as percent of total FCPS school enrollment Numbers of students in Regular Education and Special Education Fairfax County students attending City Schools (classroom rental adjustment)
History of Operating Costs Fairfax County Fiscal Year County Operating Cost 2018* $2,845,907,908 2017 $2,752,157,304 2016 $2,638,085,813 2015 $2,583,716,251 2014 $2,551,857,833 2013 $2,508,638,258 2012 $2,336,448,143 2011 $2,230,757,636 2010 $2,202,165,989 2009 $2,276,904,665 *Estimate
Fairfax County Public Schools FY 2019 Anticipated Large Expenditures Areas of anticipated large expenditures within the County budget: Membership and Student Demographic changes = $9.2 million Compensation (enhance teacher salary scale) = $53.1 million Compensation (other salary scale enhancement) = $5 million Health Care Increases = $13.4 million Contractual Increases = $2.3 million
City of Fairfax Schools Average Daily Membership (ADM) – March
Membership vs. ADM
City of Fairfax Schools Tuition History FY 2009 - 2018 Fiscal Year Tuition Amount ADM Cost Per Student (Tuition) 2018* $45,955,699 3,100 $14,825 2017 $44,478,575 3,081 $14,438 2016 $43,351,414 3,125 $13,873 2015 $43,550,501 3,160 $13,780 2014 $41,957,904 3,078 $13,632 2013 $41,772,071 3,039 $13,745 2012 $38,822,077 3,046 $12,745 2011 $36,340,762 2,976 $12,210 2010 $34,937,754 2,905 $12,027 2009 $36,140,318 2,764 $13,075 *Estimate
Cost Per Pupil Metro Area Schools Data Source: Washington Area Boards of Education
School Tuition - City of Fairfax FY 2018 - 2019 FY 2018 Adopted FY 2019 Proposed County Operating Costs $2,845,907,908 $2,964,297,677 County Tuition Estimate $45,955,699 $46,874,813 City Tuition Budget $48,595,370 $49,567,277 City ADM 3,100 3,025
School Board Adopted Budget FY 2019
FY 2019 School Board Adopted Budget Proposed FY 2019 481110 ADMINISTRATION/SCHOOL BOARD 511105 – Salaries $326,338 $271,288 512110 – Benefits Contributions $96,415 $84,765 530113 – Professional Services $421,500 $556,500 550501 – Travel $15,500 550601 – Subsidies/Contributions $20,420 550806 – Miscellaneous Expenses $11,200 550820 – Membership/Subscriptions $12,355 560110 – Office Supplies $5,000 Subtotal $908,728 $977,028
FY 2019 School Board Adopted Budget Proposed FY 2019 481220 CONTRACTED INSTRUCTION COSTS 530835 – Tuition Contract $48,595,370 $49,567,277 Estimate/Prepaid Classroom Rental Fee Beginning FY04 $1,750,000 $1,600,000 481710 DEBT SERVICE 590105 – Bond Principal $3,702,050 $2,464,600 590110 – Bond Interest $2,178,693 $2,049,502 590125 – Interest on School Financing $98,215 $98,814 580620 – Principal on School Financing $75,440 $598,550 Subtotal $6,054,398 $5,211,466
FY 2019 School Board Adopted Budget Proposed FY 2019 481350 CAPITAL OUTLAY – TECHNOLOGY FUNDING 580208 - Technology $0 Subtotal CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS – Operating 580211 – Minor Maintenance – Artificial Turf Fairfax High $20,000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS – CIP 681000 – Major Maintenance $227,000 $210,500 GRAND TOTAL $55,805,496 $55,986,271
Professional Services - Account Detail 100-481110-530113 Grounds Maintenance $ 83,000 Legal Services $ 60,000 Facilities Services $ 20,000 Communications Support $ 32,000 Instruction, Intervention and Technology, Professional Development $336,500 National Board Certification $ 25,000 TOTAL $556,500
Remarks from our Principals Dan Phillips, Principal Providence Elementary Erin Lenart, Principal Lanier MS
Financial Overview
City Revenues FY 2015 - 2019 REVENUE Approved 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Proposed 2018-19 State and Federal Federal Aid $0 Federal Stimulus State Aid $4,147,013 $3,991,887 $4,005,755 $4,372,000 $4,349,641 Sales Tax $2,836,117 $3,126,567 $3,698,465 $3,808,756 $3,442,149 Wine Tax School Construction Lottery $201,746 $208,113 $232,541 $162,879 $200,550 Total $7,184,876 $7,326,567 $7,936,761 $8,343,635 $7,992,340 Classroom Rental $1,500,000 $1,750,000 $1,600,000 TOTAL REVENUE $8,684,876 $8,826,567 $9,436,761 $10,093,635 $9,592,340
City Net Cost for Schools FY 2015 – 2019 Approved 2014-15 Adopted 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Proposed 2018-19 School Budget $53,348,111 $53,729,326 $54,795,321 $55,578,495 $55,986,271 Less Revenues ($8,483,130) ($8,826,567) ($9,436,761) ($10,093,635) ($9,592,340) City Net Cost $44,864,981 $44,902,759 $45,358,560 $45,484,860 $46,393,931
Thank you! 10455 Armstrong Street Fairfax, VA 22030 703.385.7911