WHATAP 제가 와탭을 소개하겠습니다. November 14, 2018
Easy Multi Quick Value WhaTap Solution Service: The 4 advantages The easiest Infrastructure/APM environment Easy to locate the issue cause within 5 minutes of installation Provides internal functions to analyze an issue in detail Multi Dashboard fit for everyone Dashboard not only for the managers, but also for multiple users such as developers and administrators to analyze the problem in real-time in different perspectives Quick Remote technical service fit for SaaS services Installed within 5 minutes Able to request a technical support from a WhaTap engineer within a click Value Powerful Tools and concierges to support BizOps/DevOps Provides never before seen connection service for data analysis
Monitoring Server Application WhaTap Application Monitoring Service Launched July 2017 Monitoring Server Application (Mobile Backend)
Fast Installation Easy Maintenance Cost Effectiveness WhaTap Monitoring Service Fast Installation Easy Maintenance Cost Effectiveness Only takes 5 minutes to install Unlike the previous products which required more than a month Easy to maintain and can receive regular upgrades No initial cost is required
Understanding WAS Monitoring The core of WAS Monitoring is to monitor individual transaction occurring within a web application. What matters is how fast and easy can detect and analyze performance issues. Transaction SQL Http File Resource ` User
Transaction Monitoring The Arc Equalizer shows how many requests are being handled. Hit Map lets the user analyze finished transactions’ response distribution and transaction profile. RESTful API 6
What is an Active Stack? Active Stacks A user’s request processed within a server is a transaction An Active Stack is an ongoing transaction’s thread dump data which is collected every 10 seconds. Thread Dump Thread Dump Thread Dump Thread Dump Active Stacks
Linked analysis of Active Stack and Profile Regularly collected Active Stack is combined with the transaction’s profile to enable fast problem analysis. It is especially efficient during performance tests, or analyzing performance lags due to abnormal operational issues. Active Stack Active Stack Profile
Top Stack Analysis Top Stack Analysis is a statistical analysis of the Active Stacks’ TOP line frequency. It provides great help determining method-level performance issues. Active Stack TOP STACK
Why Active stack WhaTap When an unknown issue occurs, WhaTap helps you identify the issue cause immediately using Active Stack. Other monitoring tools are only able to identify the problem when it reoccurs by resetting the profile position. Developer (Program Analysis) Profile Setting Issue Reoccurs Issue Cause Identification WhaTap Issue Occurs Issue Analysis Instantly identifies the Problem
Performance Cube WhaTap’s Performance Cube lets the user the performance status of a specific time period. Number of users, transactions, performance index, profile, and active stacks are all provided inside a 5-minute unit cube. 5min Visitors 5min Countries 5min Hit Map Realtime Users 5min Top5 URL Control Pannel 288 cubes (5min perf.) Response Time 5min Top5 Heap Memory TPS 5min Top5 CPU
Multi JVM Transaction Trace WhaTap provides inter-transaction trace based on HTTP remote call within a multi JVM environment Transaction A SQL Http File User Profile A Profile B Load Caller Load Callee Transaction B Admin
Hit Map(Daily,Hour) Distribution chart is needed to analyze individual transaction profile. A Hit Map is useful in identifying the service performance status within a day intuitively.
WhaTap APM, The Arc Equalizer Compound Eye WhaTap is able to show more than 900 web-instances in a single screen using its optimized structure and function. [The Arc Equalizer Compound Eye] 100 WAS per single Arc Equalizer 9 Applications in total WhaTap APM’s status analysis Administrator/Developer/Manager can manage multiple web applications and instances in real-time, simultaneously.
02 03 04 05 01 Values that WhaTap APM provides to its customers WhaTap APM is designed and structured totally different from other pre-existing APM products It not only handles massive instances, but also provide concurrent accessibility to the users, developers, managers, and consultants. To provide SaaS based high-performance product, optimized to collect the least amount of data, depends less on server performance, and minimized network bandwidth through extreme Marshalling and Serialization 02 Optimize for extreme performance Concurrent accessibility Multiple web service instance inside a single dashboard Manager, users, and developers can connect at the same time 03 Concurrent Usability Provided in the form the customer wants Even in private environments Cloud-based SaaS Hybrid form is also offered in various locations and forms 04 Installation flexibility In connection with Digital BizOps Able to connect with data analysis tools to deal with data analysis and machine learning Scalable structure design 05 Future-oriented 01 Not only the high-end PC servers in BOX forms but also Light servers within a MSA(MicroService Architecture) is also compatible Light Server
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