Generating, Printing & Reprinting Work Orders Work Order System Infor (EAM) Yanfeng 02-07-17 KEY YF BUSINESS PROCESS: All PMs Due Dates Should Be Set For A Monday. Generate All PMs on Wednesday, or Thursday, or Friday of each week through the Following Two Mondays. This gives you an extra week to get the P work orders sorted, stapled, and started before their Actual PM Scheduled Start Date. D- Generating & Printing Work Orders, (02-07-17)
Generating & Printing Work Orders TO CREATE /GENERATE A WORK ORDER FOR A PIECE OF EQUIPMENT YOU MUST : Have the Equipment in the System and, FOR PM WORK ORDER: Have a PM SCHEDULE created with that EQUIPMENT & PM TASK attached or, FOR BREAKDOWN, PROJECT, REPAIR, BUILD, Orders: Use “Create Work Request” See I- Create Work Request "Work Order Quick Entry" to enter directly into the system see F- Work Order Quick Entry D- Generating & Printing Work Orders, (02-07-17)
PM Scheduled Based WO: STEP 1: NAVIGATE to the Menu “Generate & Print PM Work Order” Class Room Hints: Set All of this & Save as your Default % is a Wild Card Generate All PMs on Wednesay, orThursday, or Friday for through the Following Two Mondays. This gives you an extra week to get the P Work Ordered Sorted, Stapled, and Started before their Actual PM Start Date. Note: If You Print By WO Type, Department, etc. Someone must at the end of Generating by subsets, Generate & Print with all fields empty as this screen is shown or you may miss generating some Work Orders. D- Generating & Printing Work Orders, (02-07-17)
PM Scheduled Based WO: Make Sure Selected STEP 2: Select Any or All of the Work orders from the List Make Sure Selected D- Generating & Printing Work Orders, (02-07-17)
PM Scheduled Based WO: STEP 3: A Screen Will Come Up While the System Works to Create the WO Orders, **SPECIAL NOTE: If You Have A Lot Pages, The Report Server May Not Work. TRY TO GENERATE & PRINT MORE OFTEN (ONCE PER WEEK versus ONCE PER MONTH).** D- Generating & Printing Work Orders, (02-07-17)
PM Scheduled Based WO: D- Generating & Printing Work Orders, (02-07-17)
PM Scheduled Based WO: STEP 4: WORK ORDERS should come up as a PDF for you to Save or Print, **SPECIAL NOTE: This COULD TAKE SOME TIME, if you do not get the PDF, they may be on the Work Order List & Just Need to be Re-Printed by selecting them from the Work Order List.** D- Generating & Printing Work Orders, (02-07-17)
PM Scheduled Based WO: D- Generating & Printing Work Orders, (02-07-17)
REPRINT WORK ORDERS Normally you reprint Work Orders by HIGHLIGHTING the ones you want printed from the Work Order List Screen & SELECTING the PRINT BUTTON. MENU (Upper Right): Work Orders> Review & Close Work Orders> Work Order List In the Work order Type Column: Enter “PM”, if you only want to Reprint PMs. In the “Date Created” field enter the Date You Generated the Work Orders you need to reprint (Note: It is to the far right on the list) D- Generating & Printing Work Orders, (02-07-17)
REPRINT WORK ORDERS Select The Work Orders to Be Re-Printed, Selecting Rows in a List Right-click in a field within a grid to update selected rows. Updating fields in INFOR PM follows the standard Windows controls for selecting rows: CTRL+CLICK: Individually selects and unselects rows SHIFT+CLICK: Selects all rows between the clicked row and the most recently selected row. D- Generating & Printing Work Orders, (02-07-17)
REPRINT WORK ORDERS Select the “Print Button”, upper left of your screen to Re-Print the Selected Work Orders Your Re-Print Should Start, If Not Call the IT Help Desk. D- Generating & Printing Work Orders, (02-07-17)