Mr. Wells Jeopardy
THE RULES: Give each answer in the form of a question Instructor/Hosts decisions are FINAL
And now…here is the host of Jeopardy… Mr. Wells
Lets Get Ready to play… Todays Categories are:
Weather Instruments Instruments
Forces of Forces of Air
Weather Forecasting
Extreme Weather Weather
$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Weather Instruments Instruments $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Forces of Forces of Air $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Weather Forecasting $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Extreme Weather Weather $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Miscellaneous DD FJ
$100 An aneroid barometer measures air pressure, what does the word aneroid mean? $100 An aneroid barometer measures air pressure, what does the word aneroid mean? Answer…
$100 Without liquid 100
$200 This is sent into the atmosphere daily to record weather data? Answer…
$200 Weather balloon 200
$300 This instrument is used to measure wind speed? Answer…
$300 Anemometer 300
$400 What does a psychrometer measure? Answer…
$400 Relative humidity 400
$500 This invention first allowed people to share weather information over long distances? Answer…
$500 Telegraph 500
$100 The force of air pressing upon Earths surface is known as _______________. Answer…
$100 Air Pressure 100
$200 True or False An air mass has a wide variety of conditions throughout. Explain. Answer…
$200 False Similar conditions throughout 200
$300 What happens to air particles as they become heated? Answer…
$300 They move faster and farther apart. 300
$400 Why does warm air rise above cool air? Answer…
$400 Because it is less dense than cold air. 400
$500 The movement of air from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. Answer…
$500 Wind 500
$100 Microscale weather forecasts are forecasts for _________ areas. Answer…
$100 Small 100
$200 Where does a front form? Answer…
$200 Between air masses 200
$300 Doppler radar bounces radio waves off of __________? Answer…
$300 Precipitation 300
$400 Weather in the United States generally moves which direction? Answer…
$400 From west to east 400
$500 Why does it feel hotter on a humid day? Answer…
$500 Your sweat cant evaporate as easily because the air already has a lot of water vapor in it. 500
$100 What causes thunder? Answer…
$100 Lightning heating the air causing it to expand and break the sound barrier. 100
$200 A massive storm that forms over a warm ocean. Answer…
$200 Hurricane 200
$300 Rain that refreezes after it hits the ground is called what? Answer…
$300 Freezing rain 300
$400 Which is more dangerous, a tornado watch or a tornado warning and why. Answer…
$400 Tornado warning because there is a tornado spotted. 400
$500 What two weather conditions make forest fires more likely to happen when there is lightning? Answer…
$500 Heat and Drought. 500
$100 True or False Weather proverbs such as Seagull, seagull, sit on the sand Rain is likely when you are at hand are always accurate. Answer…
$100 False 100
$200 How fast does a geostationary satellite move compared to the earth Answer…
$200 The same speed because it stays in the same spot over Earth 200
$300 What does most precipitation begin as in the United States Answer…
$300 Snow or ice crystals 300
$400 The amount of water vapor the air can hold depends largely on the air _________________. Answer…
$400 Temperature 400
$500 When air reaches the dew point what does the water vapor in the air do? Answer…
$500 Condenses, turns from a gas to a liquid 500
Daily Double How much do you want to wager? Daily Double Daily Double
CATEGORY: Clouds How much do you want to wager? Proceed…
How do cumulonimbus clouds form? Proceed…
A cold air mass pushes under a warm air mass and forces it up. The water vapor in the warm air condenses quickly and forms cumulonimbus clouds. Proceed…
Thanks for PLAYING!
Credits Created by: Chad Kafka, Business Teacher Huntley High School Jeopardy sound effects used solely for the purpose of fun, entertainment, and education and NOT for profit.