Replace this text with the game name Replace this text with the names of all of the people in our group
Instructions Use this file to help you to produce a PowerPoint that tells the story of your game. This is a major grade.
A. Rules of your game and how to win prizes
B. Theoretical probability of winning the game
C. Experimental probability of winning the game
D. Expenses Variable costs Fixed Costs Costs of prizes Other variable costs Fixed Costs List and fixed costs associated with your game
E. Expected payoff for the player This equation will be from the player’s perspective. Identify which probabilities were used to construct the equation and justify the selection. If the player pays $5.00 to play and the value of first prize was $8.00 with a 15% probability of winning and the value of 2nd prize was $3.00 with a 40% probability then the expected pay off would look like this:
F. Profit Combine information from the previous two slides to make a statement about profit. Explain the result of the expected value equation
G. Why the game should be selected for the carnival
H. What did you learn? Each member of the team should have their own separate slide where they explain something that they learned from this project.