Schools coaching Offer 2018 Insert Venue Logo Schools coaching Offer 2018
Introduction Anytown Tennis Club has a proven track record of providing quality tennis programmes for Primary, Secondary and Special Schools. We have over 20 years experience working with teachers and School Sport Partnerships. We deliver quality coaching for the children and provide support and mentoring for teachers. We offer a wide range of opportunities that include; Before School Breakfast Clubs, Lunchtime Clubs, After School Clubs. Support and mentoring for teachers to deliver quality physical education through tennis. The coaching programme at Anytown Tennis Club caters for all ages and abilities, so there are exit routes for the children to continue to develop to their full potential.
Our Coaching Team All our coaches: The coaching team is managed by …………. our Tennis Director …………… is a Level 5 Master Club Coach and has a special interest in schools coaching. ………..…is also an LTA Tutor/ Tennis Foundation Tutor and delivers 3 hour workshops for Primary and Secondary school teachers. ………..… is still heavily involved in delivering sessions in schools and monitors all the delivery of the coaching team. All our coaches: Will be minimum UKCC Level 2 Qualified Will be a member of The Lawn Tennis Association Coach Accreditation Have a current DBS advanced disclosure Have a current first aid qualification Have attended a safeguarding and protection in tennis course
Supporting the PE Curriculum What it involves Our coaches will come and deliver a block of coaching during your school PE lessons. The aim of this is to support and help the teacher so that they have the necessary skills and confidence to continue the lessons in future years. The coach will provide lesson plans with aims and objectives of the lessons. The teacher will be responsible for assessing the progress of the pupils, behaviour management and will be involved in the delivery. Competition Support Our coaches will identity and train a team to represent your school at inter school completions, like the School Games Years 3&4 Mini Tennis Red Competition. How it works We have a flexible approach to the length of course we offer as some schools like to work in full terms and some in half terms. We offer 5,6,7 and 8 week blocks. How much it costs The cost per week is £25 per hour for the first hour and £20 for any subsequent hours. For example a six week block for 2 hours will be £270 . ( Please note if sessions are interrupted by playtimes and assemblies this time is chargeable.)
Extra Curricular Clubs What they involve Our extra curricular Mini Tennis Clubs are for children who would like to develop their skills in a smaller group. All our sessions will follow the LTA lesson structure as follows; Pulse raising warm up with dynamic stretching Fundamental Skills, Agility, Balance, Co-ordination and Speed Main lesson theme. We will cover all the basic shots and how to apply them tactically in a game How to score and compete Calm down and lesson summary. The coach will check the children have understood the aim of the lesson. Appropriate handover to parents and carers at the end of the session How they work We offer a Free taster session to promote the clubs during school time. Courses are available in 5,6,7 and 8 week blocks. Courses can run before school as breakfast clubs, during a lunchtime or afterschool. Insert maximum numbers / coach:pupil ratios How much they cost The cost per child is £3.00 per session or £2.50 if paid in a block.
Something Different…Secondary Schools Cardio Tennis is a tennis-inspired workout played to up tempo music. It’s a fun group activity that features drills and games to provide pupils of all abilities with a high energy workout. This works very well in a school setting and can engage pupils who are more inclined to participate in a fitness based session rather than a traditional tennis lesson. Enjoy the freedom of hitting tennis balls and going through circuit exercises to your favourite dance tracks. Success is measured by keeping your heart rate in the cardio zone rather than the number of balls you hit in court.
Inclusion Tennis can be enjoyed by everyone! Our coaches will use modified equipment so that children from impairment groups and with learning difficulties can participate in the tennis lessons alongside their class mates. We work with a number of special schools and have groups at the tennis club to cater for children with disabilities.
Further Information We have been successful in obtaining funding from a variety of local funders to further subsidise our core offer. This can be dependent on the age of the children and location of the school. Insert examples If you agree to offer a package of coaching that includes curriculum support followed by an extra curricular club further reductions may be available. Insert testimonials from staff at other schools Insert details of any follow on offers at the venue eg. Open days, GBTW Insert link to the Tennis Foundation website - Schools Tennis
Contacting Us Please contact Anytown Tennis Club for further information or to book a course. A member of our coaching team will be happy to visit your school and tailor a package to your individual needs. Contact details Name: Email: Telephone: