Protist Is a single or many-celled organisms that live in moist or wet surroundings.
Budding Type of asexual reproduction where offspring grows off parent.
Protozoans Name for animal-like protists
Cilia Hair-like structures used for movement.
Spore A reproductive cell that forms new organisms without fertilization in fungi, ferns and some protists.
Amoeba Animal-like protist; moves using pseudopods
Euglena Protist that can be plant or animal – like; flagellum; eyespot
Lichen An organism made up of a fungus and green algae or a cyanobacterium living in a mutualistic relationship.
Pseudopod A foot-like cytoplasmic extension used by some organisms to move and to trap food.
Saprophyte Feeds off of dead or decaying organic matter.
Algae Plant-like protists. Photosynthetic. Multi-cellular or unicellular.
Chlorophyta Phylum name for green algae
Rhodophyta Phylum name for red algae
Phaeophyta Phylum name for brown algae
Paramecium Animal-like protist with cilia for movement.
Irish Potato Famine When water mold broke out in an Irish farm and killed nearly 1 million people.
Hyphae Mass of thread-like tubes that make up the body of a fungus.
Deuteromycota This fungi doesn’t reproduce sexually; only asexually. Causes ringworm and athlete’s foot.
Zygomycota Bread mold; produce spores in round spore cases called sporangia
Sporangia The round spore cases of zygote fungi
Basidium Holds the spores of a club fungi
Ascomycota The spores of these fungi are produced in a little sac-like structure.
Ascus The small, sac-like structure in which sac fungi produce spores.
mycorrihzae System of hyphae and plant roots; helps plant absorb nutrients