Cardiac Troponin
Program Goals
Chest Pain ED Visits in the United States
Chest Pain Approach to Evaluation
Cardiac Troponins
Diagnostic Criteria for Acute MI
Causes of Elevated Troponin Levels
cTnT vs cTnI
Other Cardiac Markers CK-MB and Myoglobin
cTn Assays Push for Greater Sensitivity
Prognostic Value of Minor cTn Elevations in ACS
AHA/ACC Guidelines Recommendations for Cardiac Biomarkers in the Diagnosis of ACS
Interpreting Elevated Troponins Chronic Troponin Elevation
TRUST ADP Identifying Patients With Chest Pain for Discharge
Prevalence of a Detectable hs-cTnT in the General Population
Promises/Challenges of hs-cTn Assays
HEART Pathway
PCI-Related MI Arbitrary Definition
Concluding Remarks
Abbreviations (cont)