Budget Friendly Spirit and Publicity Ideas Getting Spirit on a Budget Budget Friendly Spirit and Publicity Ideas
Spirit… Why do we do it?
Stickers! Spirit Week Stickers 1.5 in circle stickers 100 sheets/ 3000 labels cost $16.95 That’s only 1/2 a cent per sticker!!!
Student Made Spirit Items For days that students can make spirit items, have an area set up at lunch where students can make items.
Leadership Made Spirit Items Each leadership class can also make items to hand out to their grade!
How do we get students to participate? … without spending all of our class budget??
Cheap advertisement!!! If students know about your events, students and parents are more likely to participate!
Moveable Whiteboards Placing whiteboards around your school with important information is cheap, colorful and eye-catching!
T-shirts for events are great advertisement! You can advertise school events, like upcoming plays…
Or advertise for fundraising you have going on!
Sponsor Shirts
Chalk is cheap!!!! Chalk art is a great way to advertise events on campus or hold competitions. What message do you want to spread?
Weekly/ Daily Announcements How are announcements made at your school? Electronic announcements- make commercials! If you have live Unity, can you make the announcement?
Bang for your Buck!!! Make sure your posters POP!!! Use opposite colors Contrasting colors on the color wheel How about a 2 inch x 2 inch poster? Post- its, anyone??? Make the shape of your poster reflect your activity! Football for Powder Puff Crown for Homecoming Royalty
Location, location, location!!! Where are the most highly populated places on your campus? Are you advertising there? Office, bathrooms, hallways Get creative with your placement! Use all available space- Ceilings Floor Bathroom stall doors and mirrors
Indoor Posters…
Outdoor Posters…
Don’t forget the most valuable resource… YOU!!! Don’t forget that you know all the facts Be the #1 advertisement for your event Post the information on your social media Share and like the school social media posts
Leah Grant lgrant@tracylc.net