Setting the bases for Sustainable Maritime Spatial Planning in Macaronesia Andrej Abramic, Alejandro Garcia, Yaiza Fernandez, Ricardo Haroun ECOAQUA Institute@Universidad Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Project PLASMAR Project is running with the support of the European Union, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Programme of Territorial Cooperation Madeira-Azores-Canary Islands (POMAC 2014-2020). PLASMAR will define and propose robust scientific methodologies in support of Maritime Spatial Planning and Blue Growth taking in consideration the biogeographic characteristics of the Macaronesian Region and searching for a balance between the diverse maritime sectors and the conservation of the natural marine heritage.
Specific goals Specific goal 1 - Develop and apply ecosystem approach methodology on Blue Growth sectorial development. Find the balance between maritime sector development and environmental planning, supporting socio-economic growth and ensuring environmental services. Specific goal 2 - Development of the Marine Data Infrastructure as a base of knowledge, data & information for the MSP process. Specific goal 3 - Finding the pertinent and robust monitoring methods for the marine environmental monitoring (Marine Strategy Framework Directive 2008/56/EC) required for the MSP within the Macaronesian region.
Current analyses results - theoretical studies- Delivered projection for Macaronesia Blue Growth current development and future needs - Identified relevant maritime sectors that will require marine space & relevant for MSP Analyses of environmental legislation implementation that applies on the sea -focused on Marine Strategy Framework Directive 2008/56/EC – integrated marine management Mapping environmental issues/impacts per each maritime sector – using the Good Environmental Status framework Revision of state of art – scientific and technical reports
Defining the methodology for Blue Growth Zoning -applying ecosystem approach To identify areas that are most proper (less environmental impact) for identified maritime sectors We need marine and maritime data: Biodiversity – habitats & species distribution Anthropogenic impacts – eutrophication level, contaminates concentration (water, sediment, bio), non-indigenous species distribution, alteration of hydrographical conditions, litter, noise & vibrations…. Maritime activities, pressures Coastal land use data (port and harbors, population distribution, etc…) Sensitivity maps NOAA – coastal sensitivity maps (index) on oil spills DEFRA - marine sensitivity assessments… Scottish Gov. - Fishery Sesitivity maps Sensitivity maps - habitats & species for maritime activities & including other parameters Develop web app as decision support system for MSP – with public access
INDIMAR Developed in last three months Empty engine – main part of the tool is developed – we are testing the tool The goal is that tool (DSS) can identify best marine areas for setting up different maritime activities – according to group of parameters (marine, maritime and coastal land use) Still working on data collection We need to define weights and relation per each parameter Results of the test will be used to establish new methodology for zoning
INDIMAR – tool providing virtual laboratory Each partner can deliver their tests separately – available for all partners Adequate tool to test methods for impact accumulation assessments Test superposition of the impacts Test/modify weights for different impacts and relation to different parameters DSS will be publicly open, but with already defined parameters weights Data availability is a clue for successful testing and development of the method
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