Data Acquisition Software for Continuous Emissions Monitoring CEMData Data Acquisition Software for Continuous Emissions Monitoring
CEMData - makes everything clear Display layout to suit your needs Multiple items per page As many pages as you want
CEMData - customised display layouts Keep it simple… …or keep it all together
CEMData - reports how you want them Charts Tables Statistics Text and Graphics Company Logos
CEMData - reports when you want them Scheduled Reports… …generated automatically …to meet your requirements Manual Reports… …whenever you want them Customised report contents Customised layouts Daily Reports 48-hour Reports Weekly Reports Monthly Reports Quarterly Reports Half-yearly Reports Annual Reports
CEMData - fully configurable CEMData remembers everything …for as long as you need it. CEMData has lots of options... …but we do the complicated stuff!
CEMData - communicates …with most popular analysers …data acquisition systems and PLCs
CEMData - runs on any PC …rack-mount, desk-top, touch-screen, or virtual
CEMData is Flexible Data Acquisition For more information: Lowe Engineering Limited Unit 3B, Kitson Road Leeds LS10 1NT West Yorkshire, UK Tel: +44 (0) 113 243 2997 Fax: +44(0) 113 243 2529 Email: Web: