The First Civilizations 3000 B.C.E.-1000 B.C.E.
Civilization-the term Emerged in some agricultural societies Formed 1st in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus Valley (and later China, Americas) Definition is subjective
8 Characteristics of Early Civilizations Urban Development Centralized Government Specialized skills and occupations Social Classes Monument building Record-keeping Long-distance trade Science and the arts
Mesopotamia (Region) “Cradle of Civilization” City-state organization under lugals Cuneiform writing (Epic of Gilgamesh) Ziggurats Code of Hammurabi Sail, plow, wheel
Sumerian City-State of Ur
Hammurabi’s Code-circa 1760 BCE
Egypt Nile River Centralized gov’t under divine pharaohs Hieroglyphics Pyramids Mummification
Indus Valley Urban centers of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro Extensive trade w/Mesopotamia Undeciphered language and lack of artifacts Collapsed by 1700BCE (why?)
Harappan brick-always 4x2x1
Harappa Granary
Great Bath at Mohenjo-Daro
Mohenjo-Daro Statues
Shang China Began later (around 1500BCE) Huang He (Yellow) River Divination Bronze Oracle Bone