The Art & Design competition for primary schools in central Scotland. © Inter IKEA Systems B.V. 2018
IKEA believes that children are the most important people in the world IKEA believes that children are the most important people in the world. We also believe that they have the best imaginations! We always want to have a positive impact on our local community and the environment too. So we have now combined these ideas in a competition for Primary Schools (P1-7). This exciting new competition run by IKEA Edinburgh and IKEA Glasgow is now open to all primary schools in central Scotland and there is an amazing prize to be won! Theme: Makers of Living Spaces With population growing rapidly and our living spaces shrinking, you are asked to find ways of letting nature into your environment. From scientists to artists, people start to look for clever solutions to make your home, schools and workplaces greener and full of plant and trees. Having nature around makes us healthy and happy, so let’s find new ways to grow EVERYWHERE! The future belongs to people that run around carefree with food in their hair and a smile on their face. Let’s make sure our children don’t lose that spirit as they grow older!
Space to grow What happens when plants move in with us humans? When they are made to live on a book shelf or in a window, high above the ground rather then in the forest or meadow? Well, obviously they need our help to survive. They need food, water heat and light to feel good and grow. People feel much better when they spend some time in nature, surrounded by flowers and greenery. If you live in the city, you can build your own little hut with climbing, winding plants. It can be your very own green house. You just need to think …where?
Things to consider Here are a few questions to help spark the imagination. What grows where you live? Look around you, in ditches, over the park near your school…Sometimes you can see small green shoots forcing their way through the pavement.. Stick few seeds on a cotton wool and leave on your window. Keep an eye on what pops up. Where do things grow best and why? Can plants grow only in the water? Why are potatoes terrified of the sun…? Can plants grow on the wall…? Make: Think about the way we can create a greener life around us. Using recycled materials as pots, adopting forgotten spaces, bringing nature indoors in the ways it had never been done before... Draw your idea, build it, describe it or write a song about it, make a map of your surroundings or design a green space on your window sill and take a picture of it… Remember best IDEA wins, you decide how you want to present it. Use: Any form of artistic expression - draw, paint, photograph or build your idea. Depending on the nature of your design, it can be a collection of images (photographs your artworks) or a presentation (PowerPoint). Feel free to contact us if you prefer to submit in any other way.
Prize Growroom is spherical structure designed by SPACE10 (IKEA’s external innovation hub). Produced from only one material and conceived as serious alternative to the global food model, it enables people to grow their own food in a local and sustainable manner. The design focuses on making assembly as easy and as intuitive as possible. Built as a sphere, the overlapping slices of the free-standing pavilion ensure that water and light can reach vegetation on every level. The winning school will exhibit their artworks and ideas together with the Growroom structure at the Gardening Scotland event in June 2018. IKEA staff will deliver and assemble this structure to your school after the summer holidays.
entries: School growing project competition ition closing date For teachers Please register a group of up to 15 students, between all ages (p1-p7). Team should be working on developing and presenting one idea. Teachers should encourage children to use medium best suited for their abilities to present it. Different media can be use to present one concept, as long as we will receive a collection of up to 15 art pieces. All 3D solutions should be photographed and submitted in that form (Maximum 20 photographs). Submissions should be send to along with completed entry form. Growroom as a structure has unlimited learning opportunities. In the learning section of the submission form please write a sentence stating where the structure will be placed, who will be responsible for it and how would you maximase its potential (you can use support From RHS and the School Gardening campaign). We will support the project and organise a follow up visit in Autumn 2018. Timeline February 12th Call for March 29th Compet April 16th-29th Runner June 1st-3rd Garden entries: School growing project competition ition closing date s up presentations in IKEA stores ing Scotland End of August (new term) prize delivery to your school! For any further information please contact