India 1500BCE-550CE
The Vedic Age 1500-500BCE Vedas-main source of info. from the pd. Basis for Indian civ. developed
Aryan invasions probably introduced the caste system After 700BCE, several groups revolted against this system
Buddhism Centered on the individual, not gods, priests, or rituals Rejected caste system Realization of truth through self-discipline and meditation Reward was Nirvana
Hinduism Evolved from Vedic tradition AND as a reaction to the challenge of Buddhism (4th c. B.C.E.) Characteristics: -Less emphasis on sacrifice -More personal -Different gods took prominence -Regionally diverse
Classical India 321BCE-550CE
Mauryan Empire Warrior Maurya rose to power in the wake of Alexander (4th c. B.C.E.) His grandson Ashoka extended the empire and unified India Conquered in 184 BCE-500 yrs. of disunity followed
Ashoka’s Buddhist Proselytism
Symbol of Ashoka’s rule,symbol of modern India
Modern flag of India featuring the “Ashoka Shakra”
The Gupta Empire Considered India’s “golden age” Founded by Chandra Gupta in 4th c. Not as centralized or extensive as Mauryan Hindu tradition developed Collapsed in 550 CE due to Hun attacks
Chitragupta Temple
Saranath Buddha
Numerals, concept of “0” developed XVII + 17+ XXXVIII+ 38+ III+ 3+ LVIII+ 58+ ____________ ____________ Which is easier??