A Guide to Working Towards Employment 11/14/2018 5:31 AM In the Works A Guide to Working Towards Employment © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Let’s Make it Happen! Texas Employment First Policy Part One: Employment Services What state agencies do Where to go and what to ask for Part Two: Benefits and Medicaid SSDI and SSI Medicaid Part Three: Planning Ahead Special Needs Trusts ABLE Accounts 3 Take-Aways
Employment First Policy Texas law: Employment must be the first option and goal of every Texan with a disability, and the agencies who support them.
Part One Employment Services
State Agencies Working With You State agencies must help you with your employment goals If you have a waiver (HCS or CLASS)… Employment must be on your individual plan of care They must help you identify employers conduct training and identify your skills
State Agencies Working With You State agencies must help you with your employment goals Employment Assistance helps with: Resume writing Finding jobs Developing skills and interests Prepares you for interests Driving to interviews Different job experiences
State Agencies Working With You Supported employment entitles you to: On-the-job coaching Adaptations in the workplace Transportation Service planning meetings
State Agencies Working With You Who can help you? Local authority (with waiver)
Getting Waivers and Services Go to TWC Put employment goals on your IPC Use services Apply for waivers Once accepted, use services If denied, reapply You must go to Texas Workforce Commission before you do anything else. If you already have waivers, talk to your case manager about employment assistance. TWC services take 3 months to get, start using waiver services while you wait.
Part Two Benefits and Medicaid
Working with Social Security Disability You do not immediately lose SSDI when you get a job! You can take it with you like a suitcase. Trial Work Grace Period (Rolling) Extended Period of Eligibility SGA: $1,180
Working with Social Security Disability Trial Work Earn as much as you want without losing SSDI Trial is nine months long Grace Period Extended Period of Eligibility Impairment Related Work Expenses
Working with Social Security Disability Trial Work Grace Period Keep SSDI for another 3 months, which can start over Extended Period of Eligibility Impairment Related Work Expenses
Working with Social Security Disability Trial Work Grace Period Extended Period of Eligibility If you earn over 1,180 after the Trial Work and Grace period, you become independent of SSDI and lose Medicaid. Expedient reenrollment Impairment Related Work Expenses Poof!
Working with Supplemental Security Income SSI is not always a suitcase. You may not be able keep SSI if you work. For every $2 you earn, you $1 from your SSI check Working is ALWAYS better; you are sure to earn more by working. SSI SSI and Work $700 $500 $450 $700 $950 Poof!
Working with Medicaid Benefits You do not have to lose your Medicaid if you get a job! If you are eligible for Medicaid due to disability, you can get Medicaid buy-in. If you earn $15,000-$29,999 a year 1619b work incentive If you earn $30,000+ a year buy Medicaid for $40 a month *Call TWC and ask for a Benefits Query
Part Three Planning Ahead
If You Want to Work, Plan Now Here are a few things that may help you get ready for employment now, or down the road: ABLE Accounts and Special Needs Trusts One-Pagers
If You Want to Work, Plan Now ABLE Accounts Save money without losing benefits Can pay education, housing, health, employment training, and more Great way to build a nest egg for being at work and coming off benefits $15,000 per year cap, and $100,000 overall cap $100,001 and benefits are suspended Special Needs Trust An individual can put earnings into a trust and keep benefits AND/OR someone can put money into a trust for an individual and the individual can keep their benefits.
If You Want to Work, Plan Now ABLE Accounts One-Pagers Self-determination and person-centered tool Tells providers and employers: What’s important TO you What’s important FOR you What people admire about you How people can support you Helps others understand you and your goals
Key Take-Aways You can work It is better to work We are here to help! Lauren Gerken Public Policy Fellow lgerken@thearcoftexas.org
Let’s get to work!
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