Remember… C H R I S T M A S hrist is what it’s all about CHRISTMAS SPIRIT
Remember… C H R I S T M A S hrist is what it’s all about CHRISTMAS SPIRIT
Remember… C H R I S T M A S The umble beginnings of Christ
Remember… C H R I S T M A S ed at Christmas reminds us of his BLOOD.
Remember… C H R I S T M A S nnocence of youth KIDS AND CHRISTMAS video
Remember… C H R I S T M A S nnocence of youth KIDS AND CHRISTMAS video
Remember… C H R I S T M A S ervice to others THE COAT video
Remember… C H R I S T M A S ervice to others THE COAT video
Remember… C H R I S T M A S o give is better than to receive “In our class we had collected some money to use for a big party. One Sunday morning our teacher came to class and told us that one of our classmates would be absent—his mother had passed away. We were all very unhappy. The subject of the lesson that morning was that it is better to give than to receive. After she had presented the lesson, she talked about the hard times ahead for the absent boy’s family. ‘How would you students like to follow the Lord’s teachings?” she asked. ‘How would you feel about taking our party fund and giving it to this boy’s family as an expression of love?” o give is better than to receive
Remember… C H R I S T M A S o give is better than to receive “The decision was unanimous. I remember that I was the treasurer of the class, and the teacher said to the boy’s father, ‘Brother Devenport, the class would like to make an expression of their feelings.’ Then she called on me to make an expression, and afterward I handed our party fund to him. I think that was one of the first times I saw a grown man weep. This simple act of kindness welded our class together. We learned through our own experience that it truly is more blessed to give than to receive. o give is better than to receive
Remember… C H R I S T M A S ary Mary did you know video
Remember… C H R I S T M A S GREATEST GIFT video ttitude is everything!
Remember… C H R I S T M A S ttitude is everything! GREATEST GIFT video ttitude is everything!
“If you love me, keep my commandments.” Remember… C H R I S T M A S “If you love me, keep my commandments.” -John 14:15 how your love all year long
What gift can you give Christ this year? HE IS THE GIFT
What gift can you give Christ this year? HE IS THE GIFT