Occupational Therapy Workforce Review Hazel Winning AHP Lead Officer, DoH Shane Elliott OT HOS, NHSCT Geraldine Teague AHP Consultant, PHA
Lead AHP Officer role Advise to minister ,senior policy and professional colleagues on AHP issues Leading the development and implementation of AHP focused polices and projects Working closely with colleagues across Departmental and HSC to develop AHP services in line with existing strategies Respond to assembly business and private office decision-making, policy Workforce
Key Strategic Drivers
The AHP Strategy Promoting person-centred practice and care Delivering safe and effective practice and care Maximising resources for success Supporting and Developing the AHP workforce
The AHP Strategy Supporting and Developing the AHP Workforce Enhanced Profile Standardised Elective Care Pathways Workforce Reviews
AHP Workforce Reviews Completion Date September 2018 – OT, SLT & Physiotherapy December 2018 – Podiatry, Orthotics, Dietetics & Therapeutic Radiography January 2019 – Art Therapy, Drama Therapy Music Therapy, Orthotists, Prothetists
Delivering Together Improving the Health of our Population Improving the Quality and Experience of Care Ensuring Sustainability of our service Supporting and Empowering Staff
Delivering Together
DELIVERING OUR PEOPLE Workforce health & Well-being Promoting Health & Well- being Improved Workforce Communication & Engagement Recognising the Contribution of the Workforce Work-Life balance Making it Easier for the Workforce to do their Jobs
DELIVERING OUR PEOPLE Proactive Workforce Planning Attracting, Recruiting & Retaining Sufficient High Quality Training/Development Effective Workforce Planning Multidisciplinary/inter- Professional Working & Training Improving Workforce Business Intelligence
Delivering for Our People 2018 - Workforce Summary March 2017
regional hsc workforce planning framework Step 1 Defining the Plan Step 2 Mapping Service Change Step 3 Defining the Required Workforce Step 4 Understanding Workforce Availability Step 5 Developing an Action Plan Step 6 Implement, Monitor and Refresh SKILLS FOR HEALTH
STEP 1 DEFINING THE PLAN Purpose Aims & Objectives Ownership DoH (AHP Lead, Workforce Policy) HSCTs (All OT Heads of Service & 1 AHP Lead) Union (Unison Rep) Professional Body (RCOT Rep) PHA (Professional Lead) Service Users (Engagement Event) Drivers for Change
STEP 2 mapping service change Population Statistics
STEP 3 defining the required workforce Service Regulation Supervision Enhanced Models of Service Delivery Step 3 Defining the Required Workforce
STEP 3 defining the required workforce Enhanced Models of Service Delivery Primary Care Prevention & Public Health Unscheduled Care Community Rehabilitation Mental Capacity Legislation Stroke Consultation Special Educational Needs Major Trauma Centre Interagency Working
STEP 4 understanding workforce availability Undergraduate Figures Workforce Trends and Needs Recruitment & Retention Retirement Projections Step 4 Understanding Workforce Availability
STEP 4 understanding workforce availability
Occupational Therapy staffing trends
Stakeholder engagement Workforce Trends & Needs - Recruitment
Stakeholder engagement Workforce Trends & Needs - Retention
Stakeholder engagement Workforce Trends & Needs – Workforce Planning
Stakeholder engagement Question Respondent Themes What needs to be done to attract the right people with the right skills into these professions? Develop Champions Create more variety in pathways for students and new graduates, eg apprenticeships, rotations Create opportunities to diversify the workforce What needs to be done to make the HSC a brand that people aspire to work for? Need a clear clinical/career pathway into Advanced Consultants and managerial roles Better work/life balance and flexible working Allow staff to be innovative Are there any gaps in the workforce planning process that you would wish to have addressed? Appropriate backfill for maternity leave and long term sick leave Structured timely succession planning for older workers including retirement planning Need a flexible consistent regional Occupational Therapy workforce, e.g. peripatetic and rotational posts in all Trust areas
STEP 5 developing an action plan Undergraduate Training Recruitment & Retention Post Graduate Training Workforce Development & Stability (Policy Drivers & RCOT Case Study Analysis) Step 5 Developing an Action Plan
STEP 5 developing an action plan (No’s & required skill-set) UU Commissioned Places & Out-turn Available Pool on Band 5 Waiting List Estimated Update to Posts other than HSC Average Developments per Year in HSC Average Annual Retirements Baseline increase in Peripatetic Posts
Current OT Workforce status 1st Draft Submission Specialist Editing Group Report Sign off by OT Sub-group & Workforce Programme Steering Group Presentation to DoH Top Management Group (TIG) Final Sign-off and Progression to Step 6 Implementation Phase Step 6 Implement, Monitor & Refresh
DoH Commitment We must invest in our staff and provide the environment to allow them to do what they do best – provide excellent high-quality care. This means providing opportunities to develop their skills and find suitable career paths at all levels. Where necessary we will increase the numbers we train and consider ways of delivering care more effectively through the development of new roles and skills.
Any questions?