Building the Future Workforce


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Presentation transcript:

Building the Future Workforce Rebecca Jones Regional Workforce Programme Manager 24 May 2018 Jonathan Griffiths Lead Director Workforce

Background and Context Workforce identified as a key issue nationally and regionally: Parliamentary review: Wales should be a great place to train and work West Wales Population Assessment: shrinking workforce with increased demand for care and support over the next 20 years RPB: workforce a cross-cutting priority Social Care Wales: partnerships to be engaged more closely in workforce issues on a regional footprint Funding for workforce planning and development: Social Care Wales Workforce Development Programme (SCWWDP) Facilitation Grant Quadruple aim: improve population health and wellbeing through a focus on prevention; b. improve the experience and quality of care for individuals and families; c. enrich the wellbeing, capability and engagement of the health and social care workforce; and d. increase the value achieved from funding of health and care through improvement, innovation, use of best practice, and eliminating waste. Key recommendation 5: Wales should be a great place to train & work – people are engaged to deliver a continuously improving quality service consistent with the vision and quadruple aim calls for joint workforce planning across health and social care to address projected shortages and challenges of rurality, and to develop new skills required to deliver integrated services There should be joint workforce planning at regional (Health Board boundary) level supported by Social Care Wales (SCW), Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) and academia, with an emphasis on expanding generalist skills and new ways of working that enable staff to work at the top of their skill set and across professional boundaries. To deliver this the current and future workforce (including those in undergraduate and postgraduate specialist training) should be skilled in areas such as shared decision-making with service users and carers, team working, prevention and population health and wellbeing, formal quality improvement techniques and the use of new technologies to support the development of new models of providing care.

A Regional Approach Co-produced regional workforce strategy Regional Workforce Programme Manager appointed into the RCU as operational workforce lead, meeting requirements of Social Care Wales Johnathan Griffiths strategic national and regional lead for workforce (to April 2018) Programme Manager priorities: Co-produced regional workforce strategy Aligning workforce development activity with wider regional programme Supporting a regional approach to SCWWDP Managing delivery under the Facilitation Grant Raising the profile of workforce development and advising other regional work streams Progressing key projects including recruitment, retention and careers

Recruitment, Retention and Careers Recruitment and retention challenges in the sector, particularly rural areas Work to be done on the image and promotion of social care as a career choice How can we make the best use of resources and recruit the right people? Regional Learning and Skills Partnership working to drive investment in skills by developing responses based upon local and regional need Your chance to influence and shape that investment to support building the future workforce

Questions/ Areas for discussion Group 1 – Identify the particular challenges around recruitment and retention in West Wales, with examples Group 2 – Are new entrants to your workforce “work ready”? What makes them ready/not ready? Group 3 – What are the future skills challenges for your business/organisation?

Solutions, not Problems! creative ideas that are not limited by current thinking or beliefs. Contemporary definitions for blue-sky thinking. noun. original or creative thinking, unfettered by convention and not grounded in reality Identify one potential solution to a challenge you’ve identified – be creative! Don’t let perceived barriers hold you back

Rebecca Jones: Regional Workforce Programme Manager 01267 228755 / 07384 242 268