Staff Performance & Appraisal Processes


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Presentation transcript:

Staff Performance & Appraisal Processes

“Teacher quality is the single most important school variable influencing student achievement”

Australian Professional Standards for Teachers 1   Know students and how they learn 1.2 Understand how students learn Graduate Proficient Highly Accomplished Lead Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of research into how students learn and the implications for teaching. Structure teaching programs using research and collegial advice about how students learn. Expand understanding of how students learn using research and workplace knowledge. Lead processes to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching programs using research and workplace knowledge about how students learn.

Key Features of Effective Performance Appraisal Reflection and goal setting – central to the development of a self-regulated learning capacity and assists to identify what teachers need to do to improve their practice Professional learning and practice – PL enhances teachers’ knowledge and skills, leading to improved teaching which raises student achievement Feedback and review - have a strong influence on teachers, increasing job satisfaction and improving teaching practice

Teacher performance improves when the following conditions are present: opportunities for teacher self-reflection and goal setting; regular classroom observation and the provision of constructive feedback from school leaders or managers and peers; frequent feedback on classroom performance as an ongoing dialogue not an annual discussion; shadowing, coaching and mentoring from peers and leaders; opportunities to contribute to and engage in teamwork, collaboration and action learning with other teachers.

Key Features of Effective Performance Appraisal 1. Reflection and goal setting Coaching model Teacher Development Plan

"Coaching is unlocking a person's potential to maximise their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them" Tim Gallwey

“The school has a strong professional learning program – the coaching and ARM being part of this. I have found the contact I have had with my coach to be very helpful. I feel I can be transparent about my teaching practices and areas of need and I have gained some useful advice and strategies to try, in order to enhance and improve my classroom practice. TCC has regular classroom observations in order to provide feedback and I am sure that the feedback will prove invaluable when it is my turn to be observed.”

Massachussetts Dept of Elementary & Secondary Education

Key Features of Effective Performance Appraisal 1. Reflection and goal setting Teacher Development Plans

What should be informing a Teacher Development Plan in 2017: Goals noted on your 2016 ARM documentation or if new/returning staff member, goals noted at the commencement of the year Recommendations from your ARM panel AITSL Standards & VIT requirements – Eg. Standard 6 Engage in Professional learning: 6.1 Identify and plan professional learning needs 6.2 Engage in professional learning and improve practice 6.3 Engage with colleagues and improve practice 6.4 Apply professional learning and improve student learning The College’s Vision: School Improvement Plan Annual Action Plan

Key Features of Effective Performance Appraisal 2. Professional learning and practice

Professional Learning: Coaching & mentoring Staff and Professional Learning Team meetings School Action Teams Faith Development Day PL days at the commencement of terms Professional Learning Series (terms 2, 3 & 4) Annual Conference in December PL Newsletter each term Teacher Learning Network Luceat Lux Vestra Teacher Scholarhship External PL

Key Features of Effective Performance Appraisal 3. Feedback and review

Feedback – Student Feedback Surveys Peer Observations Classroom Observations Annual Review Meeting

1. The teacher understands and develops positive relationships with students in our class 2. The teacher listens to and respects what everyone says: 3. In our class I feel safe to talk about ideas without being put down 4. We are encouraged to ask questions in class 5. The teacher manages student behaviour in a consistent, firm and fair way 6. The teacher acknowledges my good work 7. The teacher recognises when I am trying my best 8. The teacher encourages me to take responsibility for my learning 9. The teacher sets clear learning goals/intentions for each lesson 10. The teacher presents course material in a variety of ways 11. The teacher gives me work that is appropriate to my ability level 12. We study ideas over a number of lessons to help us understand 13. In my class I get the chance to use technology as a learning tool 14. The teacher introduces new work by finding out what we already know about a topic 15. The teacher expects me to do my best and helps me to achieve this 16. The teacher helps students work through problems rather than give the answer 17. The teacher presents information in different ways when it is clear I don’t understand 18. The teacher encourages me to think imaginatively and creatively 19. The teacher sets assessments that help me show and apply what I know 20. The teacher allows me to demonstrate my knowledge and understanding in different ways 21. The teacher gives me feedback and comments that help improve my learning 22. The teacher makes it clear how we are going to be assessed and what we need to focus on 23. In class we often link our learning to the real world

Self-Reflection Where are the most obvious increases in your data from semester 1 to semester 2? What changes did you make to your practice that may have resulted in this increase? Identify an area/question that has the most obvious decrease. What changes to your practice might you make for 2017? What are the areas of strength for our teachers as a whole? What are the areas of challenge?

Feedback – Peer Observations Classroom Observations – Coach - Principal or Principal’s Nominee

Classroom Observation Feedback Form   *Not shown Adequate Good Excellent Unable to assess Learning intentions are visible on board Content, including any text used, is appropriate to student’s ability Lesson well prepared and organised Students’ attention gained at the outset of the lesson Clear focus on terminology Presentation of material clear with appropriate use of visual aids Effective use of the laptop as a learning tool in the classroom Pace of the lesson appropriate and adjusted to the needs of the students Students actively involved in learning through discussion and participating in activities Teacher has a positive rapport with the students Explicit links to prior learning Effective strategies to monitor student learning throughout the lesson Lesson is summarised and concluded *Should be part of any lesson, but not demonstrated Reflections Classroom Observation Feedback Form

Feedback – Annual Review Meeting

1. Teachers know students and how they learn. STRAND AITSL STANDARDS 2016 REFLECTION 2017 PROFESSIONAL LEARNING GOAL   Professional Knowledge 1. Teachers know students and how they learn. 2. Teachers know the content and how to teach it. 1. Knowing my students is one of the most important factors in being a successful teacher. If you take interest in your students, they are more than likely to respect you more which makes your job a lot easier. I would like to think that my students respect me for being a fair, consistent and dedicated teacher who is in teaching to see them succeed and be their best - academically, physically, socially and spiritually. 2. This year I have had a broad range of classes where I am not the only teacher of the subject. Being able to bounce ideas off other PE teachers and team teach where possible has spurred on my creativity, especially when rewriting the Year 10 PE curriculum. I believe there is always room for improvement and trying new things in the classroom, so I will continue to work on all aspects of my teaching in order to get the best out of myself and my students. I would like to do more research into best teacher practice and innovation in the classroom and look at new ways to deliver work and try not to rely too much on PowerPoint presentations. Prezi’s have worked well but I would like to work on other means of communicating information. This year I have used Kahoot and Quia as revision tools. My students have thoroughly enjoyed using these online tools as they are having fun whilst learning. This has been a highlight and something my students have looked forward to. I conducted Student Feedback Surveys with my Yr 12 Unit 3 & 4 class. The feedback was positive and affirming. Students appear to have faith in my teaching practices which gives makes me confidence and drives me to do more. I plan to implement the tool developed by the HOL’s to better inform my understanding of students in my class (What Kind of Learner am I?). This is invaluable information that can give so much of an insight into how my students learn. I would like to utilise SPA more, especially in regards to NAPLAN results to better inform my teaching. I would also like to take on a PST as I will be able to share my expertise in teaching the content, but at the same time, hope that I might be able to learn some new things from the student teacher. This will help me in providing constructive feedback with my peers which is an area I struggle with.

Sally, you are to be commended on the following:   Your use of various teaching methodologies to articulate key aspects of the curriculum to students in your care. Your efforts to incorporate literacy strategies into your curriculum planning. Your work in reviewing and refining curriculum. Your willingness to engage in the moderation of work assessments with colleagues. Your willingness to engage in the coaching process with a view to developing your pedagogy. Your involvement in the Open Day Committee. Your engagement in the use of student feedback surveys to inform your practice, planning and the design of activities most appropriate for the students you teach. Undertaking formal Peer Observation and in doing so strengthening elements of your own teaching practice as well as supporting a colleague to this end. Undertaking formal Classroom Observation and in doing so strengthening elements of your own teaching practice. The depth of thought and quality of presentation evident in your 2016 Teacher Development Plan. The consideration given to meaningful professional learning goals for 2017. Your dedication and enthusiasm displayed as the Head of ------- and the wonderful support you have provided to students and staff. Sally, the following recommendations for 2017 are made. Undertake relevant Professional Learning to further enhance your work as a Middle Leader, particularly in the area of performance management and staff appraisal. Consider pursuing opportunities, as they arise, to be involved in leading staff development and other project work.
