Carleton University OnLine
CUOL offers two types of online courses, recorded and web-based
Web-based Courses Designed to be offered through cuLearn (online modules rather than lectures) May be section R, W or O but that is not standard Web-based courses may not be entirely online – some have seated testing supported by CUOL Exam Services Listed on the CUOL courses page and E-Campus Ontario CUOL promotes these courses, responds to queries from prospective students, assists with registration and more.
Academic department determines what will be offered this way and: Designates it as “web” in session type Uses section letter R, W or O if possible Adds a note to say that this is an online course with no on-campus component
Recorded Courses Recorded during an on-campus section of the course Choice of methods for online students to access the lectures Most have formal seated testing – it’s up to the Instructor! CUOL assists with proctored exams/midterms and schedules and runs informal midterms/deferrals including PMC and distance
Recorded Courses continued Listed on the CUOL course list page and E-Campus Ontario. We promote courses and handle general inquiries/interest Courses with on-campus requirements are marked as unsuitable for distance on our listing. Occasionally are from a previous term (pre-recorded)
Academic department determines what will be offered this way and: Creates in-class section (such as A) Specifies CUOL classroom required (ZCOL) Creates matching Video On Demand section (such as AOD) with a VOD session type
Creates CUOL section (T or V) with a CUOL session type Creates matching Video On Demand section (TOD) with a VOD session type Links Video on Demand sections to the course section so you have to be in the course to add the VOD. Caps can be placed on the course sections as desired by the department, but are not needed on the Video On Demand section
CUOL generates the online course listing from Banner, using the session type to identify online courses. If the session type is missing, we don’t catch that the course is online. It doesn’t appear on our course listing, and does not get added to recording schedule or video on demand listings. It also won’t appear in the “online course” search in Carleton Central.
Limits of our automation Our system can check for active courses but can’t check for “voice inactive,” so we might list them by mistake. While we can filter for online courses when they are listed, it is much harder to be notified when courses are removed, cancelled or put on hold (especially with the “voice” workaround). Please keep us in the loop if changes are made – especially cancellation of a course! It will save both our units, and our students, confusion.
Means of Access for Recorded Courses Video On Demand Live online stream from the classroom CUOL Student Centre viewing kiosks (D299 Loeb) CUOL Web Channel Pay per Lecture Note: CUOL no longer broadcasts on Rogers Cable
Exams Students living more than 100 km from campus can apply to write their exams with an approved proctor. They MUST be in the CUOL section to get this service (NOT the in- class!). They apply online through the CUOL website and provide the proctor’s contact information in the application by the deadline near the start of term. Our staff confirm that the proctor is suitable. Students can always write at Carleton with the rest of the class! No application needed.
Exam info for Instructors (both recorded and web based) Instructors contact CUOL Exam Services to let them know if there will be proctored testing. If so, CUOL Exam services will: Schedule the “unofficial” midterms and book rooms and provide proctors (Friday nights, Saturdays and Sundays) Make arrangements with the PMC to support students with disabilities who have accommodations Support distance students for both midterms and finals
How to Find Online Courses CUOL website: a clickable course listing that links to a page for each course
How to find online courses continued… Extra information on the course or on the Instructor is very welcome! It is one of the ways we can promote the course and Carleton’s online offerings. Carleton Central: use “online courses” filter to find any course with a session type of “Web,” “CUOL” or “Video on Demand.” E-Campus Ontario lists the online courses we normally offer, but not necessarily in the current term.
refer students to cuol when they have a question about how CUOL courses work they have a question about how distance exams work they have a more detailed question about our offerings they have a technical question In other words, questions to do with the online delivery mode and distance learning option.
We refer students to the academic department for Questions about the academic requirements of the course Questions about how it fits in their degree program Questions about course caps and special permissions Questions about pre-requisites and preclusions We refer students to the Instructor for detailed issues about the course itself – learning expectations, evaluation, structure Bookmsark