Textiles and Product Design Nov 17th lesson objective – to carry out: The second part of product pattern development. Success criteria – You need to show that you have made a toile and that I have photographed it. You need to begin to work out how you will incorporate a range of textiles mediums and components on the product You need to finalise your designs so that you can work from them. Tasks Look at where you finished off during last weeks lesson Work out the dimensions of your product Plan and carry out a range of techniques Work out the pattern and material properties – making sure that they are suitable and ‘fit for the purpose’ Carry out any sewing techniques and evaluate what you have done
Material Properties Materials Properties Use in the project Denim – that will be recycled The hybrid plied yarns give a more important Denim fabric elongation than the Open End plied yarns. Can be recycled to good effect The abrasion cycles of fabrics made of weft hybrid plied yarns were nearer than the ring plied yarns. Is very tough and can be sewn well The tear resistances of Denim fabrics made of ring and hybrid plied yarns were very close. Can take components with ease Cotton Good to dye, will take colour really well. Will dry quickly and is smooth for stencilling on Could be used with a backing fabric for appliqué – unsuitable for many applications, could be dyed with a varying degree of harmonizing colours