Welcome to this presentation, CareerOneStop – Find your Pathway to Career Success CareerOneStop is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration (ETA). This presentation is intended to provide you with brief information on ETA initiatives and its sponsored electronic tools to assist you and your organization in developing talent and becoming competitive leaders for the 21st century. This presentation is focused on pathways to career success. I will: * Introduce you to the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Mission or (ETA) * Describe WIRED, one of ETA’s foundational principles, for regional economic development and talent development * Provide an overview of CareerOneStop and highlight various online resources * Present other ETA online resources such as Workforce3One, Career Voyages and O*NET and * Answer any questions you may have about CareerOneStop and partner online resources. By the end of this presentation, you will gain valuable knowledge, resources, and conceptual models to enhance your effectiveness as a strategic leader and service provider in your local area. You can find all of the resources presented here at the end of this presentation. CareerOneStop
About CareerOneStop CareerOneStop offers free, online resources for meeting the career, training, and employment needs of individuals and businesses. CareerOneStop is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. Now I’d like to focus on CareerOneStop and other ETA sponsored online tools that supports talent and regional economic development. What is CareerOneStop? CareerOneStop is a set of online tools that integrate economic and workforce development activities and support talent development and prosperity.
Your source for career exploration, training & jobs Easy-to-use tools and resources right at your fingertips that can help you advance your education and career! CareerOneStop is a national Web site offers that career resources and workforce information to job seekers, students, businesses, and workforce professionals to foster talent development in a global economy. CareerOneStop has been significantly updated over the last couple years. The new look is based on user feedback. It provides easier access to the key tools and resources needed by job seekers, students, businesses, and career professionals. The new organization offers quick and easy access to valuable content. You can find all the CareerOneStop and related tools you need in six simple categories. How many of you are familiar with this website? Polling question. Now I’ll highlight some of CareerOneStop’s unique and easy to use online resources starting with Explore Careers.
Spanish Our entire website can be translated into Spanish. Click in upper right corner.
Resources For… CareerOneStop offers resources targeted just for each of the audiences to the left!
Toolkit Tools include: Occupation Profile Fastest Growing Occupations Scholarship Search Military to Civilian Occupation Translator Resume Guide Salary Finder Labor Market Information Job Finder ….and more!
Explore Careers Explore Careers Self assessments Learn about careers Plan your career What kind of career will fit you best? Explore Careers Self assessments Learn about careers Plan your career
Green Careers What are Green Careers? Explore Green Careers Find Education and Training for Green Careers National Growth Green Careers Thinking about a green career but confused about your options? You’re not alone. CareerOneStop’s Green Careers section provides an outline of green careers in today’s changing workplaces. Check out the following pages to begin understanding these green work options. Want an overview of three different types of green careers? Visit What Are Green Careers? Want to find details like skills, wages, and education needed for more than 200 green careers? Visit Explore Green Careers. You can begin exploring in 12 different career sectors. Want to explore green careers based on the level of education or training required? Visit Find Education and Training. You’ll be able to click through to find real training programs in your local area. Want to see which green careers are expected to grow the fastest? Visit National Employment Growth.
Find Training Different types of training Pay for training Find your path Find training, college, short term training and certification options Find the education and training resources you need. Different types of training Pay for training Find your path
Credentials Center Credentials center
Professional Associations Locate national professional associations by occupation or industry served. Contact associations to find professional development opportunities, and keep current on changes in your industry. - See more at: http://www.careeronestop.org/toolkit/training/find-professional-associations.aspx#sthash.9Ic0XwWT.dpuf
Job Search Put together a successful job search with resources on resumes, interviewing, networking and finding job openings.
Find American Job Centers & more “Find Local Help” provides you with access to various national and state employment and training programs such as Business Development, Veterans, and Unemployment Insurance. You can also find an American Job Center, local libraries, community colleges, and more. Please go to CareerOneStop’s other categories such as “Salary + Benefits” and “Resumes + Interviews for other helpful resources and online tools. In partnership with other U.S. Department of Labor programs, CareerOneStop also deploys other Web sites. I’ll focus on 2 of these now.
Veteran’s ReEmployment Visit CareerOneStop’s Veterans ReEmployment site (www.CareerOneStop.org/ReEmployment/Veterans) to check out the following features: The Military-to-Civilian Job Search allows veterans to find current openings where they can put their military skills and experience to work. The Military-to-Civilian Job Search tool is simple to use: 1. Enter the name or code of a job in any branch of the service 2. The website matches that military job to related civilian opportunities 3. View a list of job openings in any city, state, or ZIP code
Veteran Job Search Once you’ve entered your military experience, the Job Search Results page shows you current job postings—in your local area—that may require similar skills and work experience. From there you can: • Click a job title to learn more or to apply • Sort and filter jobs by type, location, or date posted • Access more tips and resources just for veterans
Worker ReEmployment The CareerOneStop Worker ReEmployment portal has been redesigned to streamline access to key resources for recently laid-off workers, those receiving unemployment benefits, and those who have exhausted their benefits. Visit www.CareerOneStop.org/ReEmployment for answers to questions about available government programs, local support, and job search assistance.
Ex-Offender Is a criminal record affecting your job search? CareerOneStop's Job Search Help for Ex-Offenders can help. CareerOneStop’s Job Search Help for Ex-Offenders website offers information, tips, and resources to help people with criminal convictions overcome barriers they might face in their job search including: State-specific resources for help with basic needs or getting ready to job search Work restrictions that apply to certain convictions Paying for training or college
Business Center Train and Retain Hire and Recruit ToolKit The CareerOneStop Business Center is the employer’s source for help hiring, training and retaining a strong workforce.
GetMyFuture What can you do on the GetMyFuture website? This website has information, tools, and links to resources to help anyone age 16 to 24: Explore careers Learn about and locate training or education programs Conduct a successful job search The goal of this site is to help young adults overcome barriers and plan and achieve a path to career success. Explore the site using the navigation labels across the top—or jump right to our different types of resources below. GetMyFuture
Mobile Tools You can now find CareerOneStop’s great resources in a easy way on your mobile device. CareerOneStop now offers five mobile web applications: Find an American Job Center allows users to quickly locate and contact their closest American Job Center. Find a Job lets users search job listings in any local U.S. area. Veterans Job Search matches military job experience to civilian careers, and then displays local job listings for those careers. Salary Finder provides average hourly wages or annual salaries by occupation and location. Training Finder allows users to locate education and training programs in their local area. Unemployment Finder allows users to locate state unemployment programs
News Find news, updates, and feedback about CareerOneStop. Also have a blog here: http://blog.careeronestop.org/
Outreach materials Our Outreach materials help you answer career, education, and workplace questions. Here you'll find brochures and presentations to download, print, or share: For Job Seekers and Workers For Businesses For Parents, Students, and Youth For Veterans and Transitioning Military Personnel For Counselors, Trainers, and Workforce Professionals Other U.S. Department of Labor Resources Spanish Language Materials
Web Services * Does displaying CareerOneStop’s range of career, education, and employment data on your own site sound interesting? * Would you be interested in a customized version of a Web-based salary tool or occupation profile? * How about a searchable database of occupational licenses or certifications? * What if you could add these features to your career information web site so that it looks like your web site and costs your nothing to do so? If so, you may be a candidate for Web services. CareerOneStop now offers Web services as a way to exchange data, information, and even online tools seamlessly between Web sites. CareerOneStop does the work of collecting and updating the data, while you display a customized version on your site.
TAACCCT Find information about education and training programs funded by the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) Program. You can find details here about funded programs of study, institutions, projects and courses.
Competency Model The Competency Model provides the business community with a means to communicate its skill needs to educators and the workforce system in a common industry-driven framework. Collaborative effort with business, education and government to define competencies in order to identify in-demand skills. In their simplest form, Competency Models are a clear description of what a person needs to know and be able to do to perform well in a specific job: Knowledge Skills Abilities Competency models can also describe the requirements for: Work roles Groups of jobs/job families Entire organizations/businesses Industry sectors broad and specific Features: Easy online building tool Quickly identify high-demand skills High-growth Industry Models (Financial, Retail, & Advanced Links to education models Success stories Benefits: Disseminate the information Eliminate redundancies Develop consistencies Build framework for standards, curriculum and certifications Assist in decision making
Disaster Recovery Services CareerOneStop’s Disaster Recovery Services site provides quick access to a range of employment and related resources for individuals and businesses impacted by floods and other recent disasters. Select a state for State and Federal resources.
CareerOneStop Blog blog.CareerOneStop.org
CareerOneStop on Social Media Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Careeronestop/135511219941994 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Career1Stop LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/careeronestop Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/CareerOneStop/ Google+: https://plus.google.com/b/111369785419839636947/+careeronestop/posts YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/CareerOneStop
www.mySkillsmyFuture.org Laid-off workers and other career changers can: Identify related careers to explore Learn about transferable skills Link to local training opportunities View and apply for job listings Laid-off workers and other career changers can: Identify related careers to explore Learn about transferable skills Link to local training opportunities View and apply for job listings
mySkills myFuture Target Occupation Laid-off workers and other career changers who already know the career they want to explore can use the Target Occupation tool Search for information on a specific occupation
Resources U.S. Department of Labor Employment & Training Administration: www.doleta.gov CareerOneStop: www.CareerOneStop.org Credentials Center: www.CareerOneStop.org/Credentials Business Center: www.CareerOneStop.org/BusinessCenter Veteran ReEmployment: www.CareerOneStop.org/ReEmployment/Veterans Worker ReEmployment: www.CareerOneStop.org/ReEmployment/Default.aspx Competency Model: www.CareerOneStop.org/CompetencyModel mySkills myFuture: www.mySkillsmyFuture.org
Contact Us Contact CareerOneStop 1-877-348-0502 (TTY: 1-877-348-0501) E-mail: info@CareerOneStop.org US2-JOBS Toll-Free Help Line 1-877-US2-JOBS (TTY: 1-877-889-5627 Thank you for attending this presentation about CareerOneStop and other pathways to career success. If you have questions about CareerOneStop after this presentation, please feel free to contact us. Also, if you have questions about any U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Programs, please contact the US2-JOBS.