Welcome to a WestBred ® Brand Webinar January 9, 2014
NEW TEAM MEMBERS Brad Miller JOB TITLE: Wheat Testing Agronomist, Bismarck SHORT BIO: Working the majority of my career in agricultural research mostly at the North Dakota State University Carrington Research Center or with Dakota Growers Pasta Company, I am very excited for the opportunity with Monsanto to get back doing what I love to do. Sid Perry JOB TITLE: Hard Red Winter Wheat Breeder SHORT BIO:Raised on a cotton farm in TX. BS and MS in Agronomy Texas Tech University, PhD plant breeding Colorado State University. Twenty years with Cargill working with hybrid wheat and specialty end use wheat. Ten years with WestBred/Monsanto. 30+ variety releases for the southern and central plains in my career. Mark Newell JOB TITLE : Hard Red Spring Wheat Breeder SHORT BIO:Mark Newell was born and raised in Littleton, Colorado. He received his BS in forestry and MS in plant breeding both from Colorado State University. After his MS he went onto Iowa State University and received his PhD in plant breeding with a minor in statistics. Since receiving his PhD in December 2011 he has been assistant professor at The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation where his primary focus has been on breeding wheat and rye for the Southern Great Plains. Steve Sebesta JOB TITLE: WestBred brand Regional Commercial Manager, Northern SHORT BIO:Thirty years of professional seed industry experience in private and public sectors. Most of my career was with Cargill Hybrid Seeds as a plant breeder and research station manager in the hybrid wheat and sunflower research programs. Most recently, I spent the last ten years with the North Dakota State Seed Department serving as Deputy Commissioner, responsible for Seed Certification, Diagnostic Lab, Seed Quality Lab and Regulatory Programs.
Variety Summary Presented by: Ryan Holt Montana Regional Commercial Manager January 9,
4 WB-MAYVILLE Hard Red Spring Wheat Excellent Yield Potential Outstanding Straw Strength Excellent Protein Potential Broad Adaptation WB-MAYVILLE offers excellent yield potential, extending adaptability further west into the Northern region. With a better disease package than SAMSON, this variety thrives in high moisture conditions, and combines standability with excellent protein potential.
Plant Height: Short Maturity: Medium-Early Standability: Excellent Test Weight: Excellent Protein Content: Excellent Milling/Baking Quality:Good Characteristics Characteristics: 2013 Monsanto Wheat Breeding Research Data. Individual results may vary and performance may vary from location and from year to year. The result may not be an indicator of results you may obtain as local growing, soil and weather conditions may vary. Growers should evaluate data from multiple locations and years whenever possible. 5 WB-MAYVILLE Hard Red Spring Wheat WB-MAYVILLE Hard Red Spring Wheat
Pest and/or Disease Profile Foliar Disease Fusarium Head Blight (Scab) Leaf Rust Stem Rust Yellow (Stripe) Rust Rating Scale: Excellent (1-2) Very Good (3-4) Good (5-6) Fair (7-8) Poor (9) 2013 Monsanto Wheat Breeding Research Data. Individual results may vary and performance may vary from location and from year to year. The result may not be an indicator of results you may obtain as local growing, soil and weather conditions may vary. Growers should evaluate data from multiple locations and years whenever possible. 6 WB-MAYVILLE Hard Red Spring Wheat WB-MAYVILLE Hard Red Spring Wheat
7 WB-MAYVILLE Hard Red Spring Wheat WB-MAYVILLE Hard Red Spring Wheat
9 Product Development Large Strip Trial Plots Fisher, MN BOLD FONT – Denotes WestBred brand variety ISR = Increased Seeding Rate Source: 2012 Product Development Plots Plot Biography Tillage – Full Soil PH – 8.2 Previous Crop – Sugarbeets Planting Date – April 25 th Planting Depth – 1 ½ in. Drill – Double Disc Normal Planting Rate 1.5 M plant population /Ac. ISR Planting Rate 1.8 M plant population /Ac. Harvest Date – July 31 st WB-MAYVILLE Hard Red Spring Wheat
Field Comparison in Eldred, MN WB-MAYVILLE vs NORDEN WB-MAYVILLE Hard Red Spring Wheat WB-MAYVILLE Hard Red Spring Wheat Field Biography Previous Crop – Soybean Total Nitrogen –180 actual total units available Planting Date – Same day for both varieties Seed Treatment – Raxil MD Extra, Imadicloprid and Stamina Planting Rate for Both Varieties 1.5 M plant population /Ac. Fungicide Application – Tilt at herbicide app. + Caramba at heading app. Pre-Harvest Herbicide – Roundup 95 bu/ac 83 bu/ac
12 WB-MAYVILLE Hard Red Spring Wheat 2013 Hard Red Spring Wheat - Yield By Location (bu./ac.)
13 Head to Head (Plant Height & Protein) WB-MAYVILLE Hard Red Spring Wheat
Performance Graph (Protein & Plant Height) WB-MAYVILLE 14 WB-MAYVILLE Hard Red Spring Wheat
WB-MAYVILLE Hard Red Spring Wheat Stability Graph (Yield) 15
16 WB-MAYVILLE Hard Red Spring Wheat Stability Graph (Protein) WB-MAYVILLE FALLER WB-MAYVILLE FALLER
Strength Genetic Appeal Performance Strength Genetic Appeal Performance WB-MAYVILLE provides excellent standability in high production, high moisture environments. 17 WB-MAYVILLE Hard Red Spring Wheat WB-MAYVILLE offers excellent protein content potential to maximize profitability when selling the crop at grain markets. WB-MAYVILLE allows for acreage that allows to push the limits on production practices to achieve increased bottom-line profit potential.
Q & A Ryan Holt speaking at the Unity Seed Field Day (Casselton, ND) on the attributes and benefits of WB-MAYVILLE. 18 WB-MAYVILLE Hard Red Spring Wheat
For more information contact: Patent and plant variety protection granted or applied for WestBred brand varieties. For specific details, please visit WestBredSeeds.com. Monsanto and Vine Design®, WestBred and Design®, and WestBred® are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ©2014 Monsanto Company.. Steve Sebesta Northern Regional Commercial Manager (701)